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By: Avery Proffit

Describe the Class: Welcome to 9 grade English Class! Today SWBAT, learn how to use

Microsoft word to create a resume for future workplaces.

Objective(s): SWBAT: use Microsoft word as a means to create a work resume and better
themselves on how to use Word more appropriately.

1. Students must have a hard copy outline of what they plan to type in their resume.
2. Name, age, DOB, address and etc. information is needed on the resume paper
3. Computers in the computer lab will be provided for students to use for the Word
document typing unless students otherwise have their own laptop
4. Students will print their resumes once finished and make a second copy to turn in for
accuracy grading.
5. This lesson will be using synthesis behavioral objective as a means where students will
create their own resume for their better good of the work field in the future

- Hard copy of resume outline
- Computer with Microsoft Word 2013
- Your brain and knowledge

Grouping Structures: Students will be grouped in the library computer lab and those students
that have personal laptops may work in groups to help each other on their resume writing.

Modifications: no modifications will need to be made for this lesson.

Assessment: Once students have finished typing and printing their resume, they must have an
extra copy of it to turn in to me at the end of class so it can be graded for resume accuracy
formatting. There will be no further assessment after the resumes are turned in and graded.

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