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—T Teacher's Rights and Responsibilities: Artifact #2 70\4 Artifact #2 ‘Teacher's Rights and Responsibilities Avery Proffit College Of Sothern Nevada Professor Celia Isbell April 5, 2017 we 7 Teacher's Rights and Responsibilities: Artifact #2 Principal Freddie Watts and assistant principle Jimmy Brothers, are both administrators at an all-black high school. One day, one of the white tenured teachers, Ann Griffin, was in a heated conversation with the two administrators and stated she “hated all black folks.” When this, news spread around the school, it angered many colleagues, both black and white. The principal recommended that Ms. Griffin leaves the school, in concer that she would not treat all students fairly, and for the concern of her judgment and competency as a teacher. he The first side that will be discussed for this situation is the side of the wii ‘making the right, more importantly, legal decision to recommend Ms. Griffin to leave the school? In light of this situation, I found a closely related problem in an article online, posted in May in 2015, titled, School Principal Fired after Racist Remark About ‘Black People’ at Graduation, In this case, Prineipal Nancy Gordeuk, who is white, made a rude comment during the graduation ceremony saying as quoted, “You people are being so rude to not listen to this, speech,” all this caught on camera of Gordeuk saying, “It was my fault that we missed it in the program. Look who’s leaving! All the black people!” (‘Black People’). The comment from the principal caused a huge disturbance and anger to the crowd and left many parents, Black, angry 2 by her rude comment. Later after the incident was court cased, Principal Gordeuk, founder of — TNT Academy in Stone Mountain, was ousted from her role as principal of the private school 7 afier the school’s board of directors voted to fire her (‘Black People’). Although in this court case, the principal is fired for making a racist comment rather than a teacher saying it, it still relates to our teacher, Ms. Griffin, making the rude comment about hating black people. If a principal in charge of a private school was fired for a small comment like that, there’s no further evidence needed to prove that surely Ms. Griffin will be let go for her rude behavior. The NS Teacher's Rights and Responsibilities: Artifact #2 principal, Mr. Watts, has probable cause to fire her in concern that she will not treat all students with the same respect, and for concem of incompetency. 1 found another excellent example relating to our case with Ms. Griffin and her ‘racist” G comment, The article is titled, Court Upholds firing of Paterson Teacher who ealled students ve future criminals’ Tae woman, Jennifer O”Brian, was working as a technology coordinator and was assigned to 23-firstgraders, all of which whom were either black or Latino (‘Future yo Criminals’), This teacher made two Facebook posts in the March of 2011 saying (1) “I'm not a teacher- I'm a warden for future criminals!” (‘Future Criminals’). Soon after this spread all over the intemet, the school principal heard about it. Because the teacher had tenure, her ease had to be sent to an administrative law judge (‘Future Criminals’). Although O’Brian tried arguing for her comments not being racist, the judge tured down her arguments and she was fired immediately after the ruling: This being said, on the principal's side of the argument, it’s more than likely he will have power over Ms. Griffin given that he has proper cause and evidence. ‘On our next side will be for Ms. Griffin, the teacher who mad e the rude comment about “hating all black folks.” As hard as this side is to back up I did manage to find a small article similar to her situation, The article titled, Appeal Court Revives Teacher's Free speech lawsuit, is a case about a 6% grade teacher and one of his students that seems to be having difficulties in the class and behavioral issues. When the teacher told the child’s father of his behavior in class, the father threatened to put a lawsuit against him. After the student's crude behavior continued and eventually turned into a threat towards the teacher at one point, it was taken to court and settled in favor of the teacher's word (Teacher's Free Speech). The student, having made a threating video called, “I Stabbed Gschwind,” (the teacher) was considered very strictly by the Teacher's Rights and Responsibilities: Artifact #2 school and threats are taken very seriously. Our teacher in our case is going against her own rude comment so it may be a bit more difficult in her case. io) Upon looking for another case to take on Ms. Griffin's side of the case, I found it very difficult to find any more cases like hers to back up her side of the story so although she has a slight chance of winning in court for her poi om eri ie compen for, oe her to back up her reasons for saying such a crude thing about the two administrators and any : other black persons in the school. The side Tam going for is the principal’s, for court case example two with the court case, Court Upholds firing of Paterson Teacher who called students ‘future criminals’ where the teacher posted insulting posts on Facebook about her students being ‘Future Criminals”. The qd teacher did get immediately fired after her ruling and that being said, | believe this side of the case for our black folks (administrators) is strongest for them to win the court case against the rude and incompetent teacher. Teacher’s Rights and Responsibilities: Artifact #2 i References. Appeal Court Revives Teacher's Free speech lawsuit, 2012.| Court Upholds firing of Paterson Teacher who called students ‘future criminals’. 2011. firing of paterson_teacher_who_ca ed_students_future_criminals.html ‘School Principal Fired after Racist Remark About ‘Black People’ at Graduation, 2015. http://www graduation_n_7283774.html Y ie X ”

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