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Jenn Islam

7 September 2016

EDL 676

Journal Entry #1

Though I know different experiences affect everyone in a different way, I don’t always

understand until it happens to me. I’ve been challenged in many ways since I’ve come to Oxford,

specifically regarding my identity as a Muslim and a person of color. For instance, in a work

group last week, we attempted to figure out a date for a September social. The initial date

selected was September 11th. I was in shock. How could that date not hold meaning for others?

Every year, this was a date for mourning and for remembering. The two words associated with

this event are “never forget,” but everyone forgot. Was it because no one identified as a New

Yorker or a Muslim? Because no one knew anyone directly affected? Because “September 11th”

sounds different from “9/11”? I don’t have an answer but it’s been on my mind a lot lately. This

is the first time I’m not in New York for 9/11, & I finally realize that the day truly doesn’t mean

as much to others. I also realized that there has never been a time where 9/11 has meant so much

to me, and it may be because of this experience. It also may be because Eid, an Islamic holiday,

falls on/near 9/11 (depends on the moon), and I fear for ignorant folks to think that Muslims are

celebrating 9/11, furthering the stereotype of terrorists. I’ve spoken to others about this and have

taken other perspectives into account. Perhaps people want to forget and have suppressed such

memories. I know I’m biased but I still can’t believe that people forgot and that it seems like this

date in history doesn’t hold the same significance for others as Pearl Harbor Day, Independence

Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and any other day unaffiliated with a religious observance.

Why isn’t this on the academic calendars? Why do some pay more heed to groundhogs in
February than to people lost & people morning on September 11th? I am hurt & confused. I’m

better now than I was a few days ago, but still hurt & still confused. However, I refuse to leave

myself feeling this way. I intend on using my hurt & confusion for the purpose of education. I

want to bring this up with my staff. I want to utilize this experience and turn it into a learning

opportunity for all. I want to do my best to ensure that people remember to never forget.

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