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David Jurek

Asoka was a very powerful leader, he killed over 200,000 in 261 B.C.E and another

100,000 fled the country. Why did Asoka kill those people ? He killed those Kalingians because

he wanted more land. Isn’t that an example of a good leader?

Asoka was the ruler of the Mauryan Empire, he inherited most of India, expect for one

spot, where the Kalingians lived. He and his men, in the year 261 B.C.E, prepared for war

against them. Asoka attacked and Kalingians had to defend. 200,000 Kalingians died and

100,000 fled the country. Even though Asoka killed all those men, a leader would have done

the same for his empire. Asoka did what he had to do for his Empire to be better.

Many people would see him as a ruthless leader but others would call him a great

leader. Other than killing 200,000 Kalingians, he made his village better, he gave more people

opportunities. The Kalingians were living near the ocean so it’s a really good place to live. The

ocean provides food and even can transport cargo or other things to places all around. As a

leader you want the best possible empire. You will do anything to make it better and stronger.

Thats exactly what Asoka did, he made his Empire stronger and bigger than before.

Asoka realized what he did, he felt great pity. Asoka later decided to “cease the indulge

in wars of aggression” meaning he will stop committing acts of war. Everyone who done bad

always felt regret later on, Thats what make you a good person. Asoka felt guilty and pity for

what he had done to the Kalingians , the thing that makes him enlightened is that he was going

to cease the indulge of aggression. He might also be lying, he can tell everyone that he won’t

act in Wars of aggression just to get away with killing all those people.

Asoka fell into a crisis. After taking over their land, Asoka decided to change. “A stirring
for meaning and remorse” He seeked out a guru ( teacher). The Guru told him to sit beneath the

Bodhi tree where he, himself found enlightenment. Asoka gave it a try. He sat under the tree,

hoping that he will be enlightened. Asoka found enlightenment over time. Asoka was a

“changed man”

He gave gifts to the poor, he consulted communities about proper governance, and

about good conduct. Asoka spread the word of the Buddhas teachings to public works for the

good of the people. Asoka was an astonishing ruler, beloved still in India and many parts of the

world. He was lost in self improvement. The beloved of the Gods(Asoka) believes that the one

who does wrong should be forgiven. Asoka was showing great change, maybe he did change?

But did he really?Asoka spoke with the forest people later on. Asoka said if he doesn't get their

friendship he will kill them. He still has the power even in his remorse. This is an example of a

ruthless ruler and also and enlightened ruler. Asoka would of never ask for their friendship nor

would he ever want to, he would of killed them if they stood in his way without even speaking to


Some people believe that he was a ruthless leader some believe he was

enlightened.Everyone has a different opinion about him. But what if you were in his shoes, what

would you have done to the Kalingians? Would you let them join the empire not knowing who

they are, or would you have gone into battle? Would it be considered ruthless if you're trying to

make your Empire a bigger and better place?

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