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Little Butterfly’s Daily Schedule

7:15-7:30- Preparing classroom for the day.

7:30-8:30- Children arrive and have free time in centers.
8:30-9:00- Breakfast time and daily greeting.
9:00-9:30- Activities involving objectives of the curriculum/ nature activities
9:30-9:45- Rhyme time/ Song time.
9:45-11:30- Center time and teacher observes and promotes lessons within the centers.
11:30-12:00- Lunch time.
12:00-2:15- Nap time with peaceful classical music.
2:15-2:45- Snack time.
2:45-3:00- Story time.
3:00-4:30- Playground time/ sensory time outside.
4:30-5:30- Center time and preparing to leave.
5:30-5:45- Shutting down classroom.

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