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Philosophy of Teaching Mathematics

Our universe is very mathematical, and the more we look closely, the more
Math we seem to find. Math is important because it produces citizens to think more
creatively and critically. Students improve their knowledge when they have a self-
connection to math because it engages them. The students will be able to learn how
important math is instead of just formulas, or writing problems on paper. Math
teachers must engage students to make Math thrilling and exciting for every
Many students struggle in the content of mathematics and that’s why
students try to avoid doing Math. Almost like Math isn’t as important as reading.
This is because there is a discrepancy between high quality instruction and the
needs of students. As Math teachers it is our duty to have knowledge for teaching
Math and know how to deliver it to our students. As Math teachers we must create
more evidence-based practices to help our students gain their full potential to
become mathematicians. Most of the evidence-based practices in math focus on
basics and computation, but us Math teachers know that there is a lot more out
Math teachers can also teach more critical thinking skills that incorporate the
Common Core. We can promote these skills by allowing our students to inquire
topics that interest them and to allow our students to be creative. Mathematicians
and Math teachers can also come up with more research for evidence-base practices
that will help students have conceptual understanding. Teachers must provide
engaged differentiated instruction to help all diverse learners, this includes; direct,
inquiry, collaboration, and independent instruction.
It is a Math teacher’s job to engage his or her students. Grasping students’
attentions is essential for students to achieve skills in mathematics such as: critical
thinking, abstract, and analytical skills. As a Math teacher, it is important to be
positive and use a lot of energy whether the topic isn’t that interesting to the
educator or not. It is the job of a Math educator to show all the possibilities of
Mathematics can provide.

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