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Angel Quizhpi

Ms. Debby Jizi

UWRT 1103

20 March 2018

Research Proposal


How to learn time management? (How do I manage time better?)


Time has always been an issue in my life. Even though I complete all my responsibilities

on time; I feel that I am always rushing to get it done. Many times, I finish my class assignments

minutes before it is due. I feel like I always cutting strings in aspects of my life that I should not

be cutting. My hope in this inquiry project I will be able to learn how to be more efficient with

my time so that I can fulfill my responsibilities the right way.

What I know:

I have done a bit of research into this. I have found tips, like having a planner or to-do

list. Other say to stay focus on the task at hand. Most of these sources just tell you what to do.

They don't mention how to begin. It seems that people with time management problems are stuck

in an endless loop that has no escape. I feel desperate because of the busy lifestyle I now have.

So my concern is that I will accept any source as true when it is not.

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