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Johan Armando Sarmiento Sánchez

Book: Bringing down the house,

“The inside story of six MIT students who
Took Las Vegas for Millions”
Written by Ben Mezrich

Before that begin to talk about the book, I have to say I chose it because I consider the
book gave me a teaching about the avarice, but in otherwise, the importance that be
persevering when you want to achieve something.
The Book starts telling the Kevin Lewis’s life, one brilliant guy who is a graduate
Mechanical Engineering student at MIT, he was an intelligent child who only wanted to
work in a big company and be a normal person, one day is recruited by some of his
roommates to participate in a group of organized card counters, (we have to understand
that in Casinos, the Card counters is not illegal but if the Casino’s manager catches to
you counting cards in the game Blackjack, he will expel from the Casino and in some
cases he and his guards will hit you sharply), continuing with the story, Lewis accepted
be part of their group, quickly Lewis learnt about counting cards and transformed in an
After that, Lewis began working with the group and they traveled to Las Vegas or some
other gambling destination on most weekends and uses a variety of techniques to win at
blackjack. They won a lot of money “ripping off “casinos. Lewis became in one of their
best players. Over time, the group's membership changes as older members are
excluded and new members are recruited. After about one year, Lewis is the head of his
own team within the organization. For this moment they had a fortune.
After several years Lewis was excluded from numerous casinos and his face was well
known. And he finally decided to give up card counting. At that time he contacts Ben
Mezrich, the author, and the two collaborate to create the book.

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