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Alex Dinh

CUIN 3313

Be The Match Draft Video Script

As a child, everyone has been exposed at least once to stories about heroes. As one grows older,

everyone strives to become the hero. Although it sounds like a monumental task, being a hero does not

require one to have super powers, tremendous financial assets, or supreme intellect. As a college

student, with the challenge of juggling a social life, exams, and family, one can reach a conclusion that

being a hero is almost impossible. However, to be a hero is a much simpler task than one might assume.

(Insert Be The Match Foundation Logo)

With this realization in mind, the brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon have joined hands with the Be

the Match Organization in order to take the first steps into combatting blood cancers. Approximately

every nine minutes, someone in the United States dies from a blood cancer; adding up to one hundred

and sixty people each day. Blood cancers are expected to cause the deaths of fifty eight thousand, three

hundred people in the United States just last year.

There are many different types of blood cancers, that affect different parts of the body system

such as :

(top three; briefly describe them)

 Lymphoma- cancer of lymphatic system

 Leukaemia- cancer of white blood cells

 Myeloma- cancer of plasma cell in bone marrow

Be the Match Foundation, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program, is a non profit

organization dedicated to finding matches, and helping every patient get the transplant that they need.

This is where the cooperation between the Be the Match Foundation and the members of Lambda Phi

Epsilon becomes an integral part of the mission. Before being able to find a donor for the patients that

need transplants, volunteers spend one week every semester trying to find applicants that can become

possible donors. Only approximately one out of four hundred and thirty samples given by applicants can

be converted into a match. Because of this, the importance of obtaining a large volume of applicants, in

order to increase the chances, is the end goal. Our goal by the end of the week is to have at least five

hundred applicants sign up.

(Insert Promotional Video)

People from the age of eighteen to forty-five are considered ideal applicants. The application for

registry is very simple. All the foundation needs is a tissue sample from a cheek swab from each corner

of the mouth with cotton swab. Individuals that are recognized as a match, usually donate either bone

marrow, or cord blood. And applicants who are not a match, or people that want to give aid and join in

the fight against blood cancers, can donate financially to the organization and fund researches that are

striving to discover a cure.

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