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COURSE: Early Childhood Education I UNIT C Working with Children

Understand techniques for communicating

COMPETENCY: 7.00 B2 12% expectations, setting limits, and guiding
7.01 Understand techniques for communicating
expectations and setting limits.
Essential Question​: How can teachers and child caregivers communicate expectations and set
behavior limits?

Expectations are communicated through words and actions that help children build social
skills. What are some guides for communicating expectations?
∙ Model respect and acceptance
∙ Encourage empathy and compassion
∙ Encourage cooperation and teamwork
∙ Insist on self-control
∙ Communicate rules in an easy-to-understand way --- e.g., place rules in one of three categories
– (1) Be safe, (2) Be kind, (3) Be neat

Limits are established through rules. What are some guides for setting behavior limits?
∙ Make rules short
∙ Focus each rule on one main point
∙ State rules in terms of positive behaviors expected
∙ Set rules that are reasonable
∙ Avoid making too many rules
∙ Define both acceptable and unacceptable behaviors
∙ Enforce rules in a consistent manner
∙ Flex rules to adapt to needs of individuals and situations
∙ Tell children when they have broken a rule/done something wrong
∙ Give attention to children who have been hurt by others who have broken rules

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