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MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation School Name Student Name Central Manor Elementary ‘Adams, Brittany P. School District School ID Penn Manor Mo0s65898 Subject Program 4 elem Early Childhood - Prek-grade 4 Grade Level 2 Evaluator First Name Tracy Evaluator Last Name Comell Evaluator Title Cooperating Teacher OVERVIEW OF EVALUATION INSTRUMENT Please note that Millersville University is using the same criteria in this evaluation for the domains of Planning, Classroom Environment, and Instruction that are used for practicing teachers in the Pennsylvania Department of Education Educator Effectiveness system. The Professionalism domain in this evaluation uses criteria that are more specific to student teaching than those used in the PDE teacher evaluation for in-service teachers. Distinguished is a goal to strive for, but is not available for rating since distinguished is not a level that student teachers can potentially demonstrate. RATINGS Unsatisfactory - The teacher candidate does not meet performance expectations required for teaching. Basic - The teacher candidate is performing at the basic level and is demonstrating partially proficient professional practices at this point in the clinical experience. Proficient - The teacher candidate's performance is substantially demonstrated at this point in the professional level. ical experience at the Please use the MU Adapted Danielson Rubric for the specific criteria associated with each component. PLANNING AND PREPARATION 1a Proficient Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 1b Proficient Demonstrating knowledge of students 1c Proficient Setting instructional outcomes 1d Proficient Demonstrating knowledge of resources Sarao18 MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation te Proficient Designing coherent instruction 1 Proficient Designing student assessment Comments: Brittany has shown that she is able to plan and prepare very appropriate lessons. She is well organized, but also very flexible. Everyday in an elementary classroom is different. Brittany is able to go with the flow and adapt to any situations that she may need to, Her lessons were planned from a variety of resources. She always had everything ready to go that she needed to. ‘THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT 2a Proficient Creating an environment of respect and rapport 2b Proficient Establishing a culture for leaming 2e Proficient Managing classroom procedures 24 Proficient Managing student behavior 2e Proficient Organizing physical space ‘Comments: Using a positive, yet firm, approach to classroom management, Brittany easily established herself as an authority figure in the classroom. She actively engaged the students in their leaming activities while maintaining a mutually respectful relationship with them. Brittany handled classroom behavioral challenges in a gentle, but firm manner. She has developed ‘a wonderful rapport withthe students, INSTRUCTION 3a Proficient ‘Communicating with students 3b Proficient Using questioning and discussion techniques 3c Proficient Engaging students in learning 34 Proficient Using Assessment in Instruction 3e Proficient Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness Comments: Brittany's well-planned lessons and activites exhibited her strong belief that children need to be part of an interactive classroom with lots of participation. Her lessons were age-appropriate and aligned with the state standards with clear ‘expectations and meaningful, achievable goals. Brittany used a variety of teaching strategies to reach all leamers. The students responded with interest and enthusiasm. bps:imax.milersvile.edulcoop_prod/mekasmt p_form_dan?asmt_id_in=4108&prog_code_i 51412018 [MU Adapted Danielson Evaliation PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES ‘4a Proficient, Reflecting on Teaching 4b Proficient ‘Supervised maintenance of accurate records 4c Proficient ‘Supervised communication with families 44 Proficient Participating in a Professional Community 4e Proficient Growing and Developing professionally 4f Proficient ‘Showing Professionalism Comments: During her placement at Central Manor, Brittany developed an excellent rapport with me, the second graders, their parents, and the faculty and school staff. She was pleasant and sincere in her interactions with others and she was well- liked by everyone. Brittany was punctual and consistent in her attendance at school and she always handled herself in a professional manner. She holds the responsibilities and duties of the teaching profession in high regard. ‘Additional Comments: EVALUATOR: Tracy Cornell Cooperating Taher 5/4/2018 Frau lo LLU ‘Name. Date Sighature MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation hitps:/ form dan?asmt id MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation School Name Student Name Central Manor Elementary Adams, Brittany P. School District School ID Penn Manor ‘Moosese98 Subject Program 4 Early Childhood Early Childhood - PreK-grade 4 Grade Level ‘Second Evaluator First Name Karen Evaluator Last Name ‘Green Evaluator Title University Supervisor OVERVIEW OF EVALUATION INSTRUMENT Please note that Millersville University is using the same criteria in this evaluation for the domains of Planning, Classroom Environment, and Instruction that are used for practicing teachers in the Pennsylvania Department of Education Educator Effectiveness system. The Professionalism domain in this evaluation uses criteria that are more specific to student teaching than those used in the PDE teacher evaluation for in-service teachers. Distinguished is a ‘90aI to strive for, bt is not availabe for rating since distinguished is not a level that student teachers can potentially demonstrate. RATINGS Unsatisfactory - The teacher candidate does not meet performance expectations required for teaching Basic - The teacher candidate is performing at the basic level and is demonstrating partially proficient professional practices at this point in the clinical experience. Proficient - The teacher candidate's performance is substantially demonstrated at this point in the clinical experience at the professional level Please use the MU Adapted Danielson Rubric for the specific criteria associated with each component. PLANNING AND PREPARATION ta Proficient Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy tb Proficient Demonstrating knowledge of students 1ofS 5/3/2018, 10:29 PM MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation hitps:/imax.millersville.du/prod/mzikasmt.p_form_dan?asmt_id_i 1te_Proficient ‘Setting instructional outcomes 1d Proficient Demonstrating knowledge of resources te Proficient Designing coherent instruction 1f Proficient Designing student assessment ‘Comments: Due to this being a PDS placement, Brittany spent her block instruction and her student teaching placement in the ‘same classroom, this was advantageous with getting to know the procedures and students better. Throughout the ‘semester as Brittany planned for whole and small group instruction, developed new skil groups based on test results, picked different computer groups, and created a new seating arrangement based on academic and Personality traits, she leamed more about her students’ interests and abiities. This helped her to better meet their varied academic needs, including planning for an El group for enrichment. She planned for daily and weekly instruction, as well as a data driven Teacher Work Sample design for instruction. Brittany planned for individual ‘assignments as well as collaborative activities. She did 2 good job with varying the response modes for ‘demonstrating understanding, she incorporated all of the leaming styles throughout the semester. Brittany's well done plans were always given in advance to her cooperating teacher in order to gain valuable feedback before instruction. Her plans were standards based, contained thoughtful accommodations for learning difierences,contained cross curricular connections, included varied technology, and informalfformal assessment. During her lead weeks, Brittany utlized the lesson plan template used by her cooperating teacher. During the second half of the placement, Brittany had more opportunity to design some informal and formal assessment, especially with her Teacher Work Sample. Brittany had leamed the required content knowledge for each of the subjects taught in this second grade curiculum. She frequently sought out personnel and developed her own resources to enhance her lessons, including a math olympics. Brittany has been a very proactive planner. She always had everything she needed prepared in advance. ‘THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT 2a Creating an environment of respect and rapport Proficient Creating an environment of respect and rapport 2b Establishing a culture for leamiing Proficient Establishing a culture for learning ‘2c Managing classroom procedures Proficient Managing classroom procedures. 2d Managing student behavior Proficient ‘Managing student behavior 2e Organizing physical space Proficient. ‘Organizing physical space Comments: 20f5 73/2018, 10:29 PM. ‘MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation https:/max.millesvile.ed/prod/malkasmt.p_form_dan?asmt_i_is Brittany was able to motivate her students through engaging leaming activities. Frequently, her instruction involves technology like Kahoot and Plicker, hands on activities, stations, small whiteboards, turn and talk, choral response, small guided groups and students interacting with Smart Board lessons. Brittany had a great rapport with her students, they do view her as another teacher in the room. Brittany's mid-evaluation goal was to learn to better read her class and know when a change in response or activity was needed, including if she needed to stop 2 leaming task due to off task behavior. Brittany increased her use of proximity, quiet visual gestures and wait time once a response was given. During the second half ofthe placement, she would review both academic and social expectations for working collaboratively, sharing computers, transitions, and stations. Brittany became more Proactive with brain or movement breaks as well as freezing the action when she needed to address the class. She increased quiet one on one direction for individual students and she practiced placing the responsibilty for hismher choice back on the student. She utilized increased positive role modeling and better consistency with the ‘overall classroom management system. Brittany also used the term "show me” rather than repeating her ‘expectations. Brittany utilized space in the classroom efficiently with the carpet for whole and small group ‘meetings, tables used for small group guidance and stations being spread throughout the room for individual or partner work. Students reading independently could move to their favorite spot in the room as long as they were Visible and stayed on task. Brittany leamed very well how to oversee her independent workers even if she was ‘working with a guided group. She developed check points and if necessary, gave her students in the group an independent task s0 she could go to the student or students responsible for the off task behavior. Brittany better learned to non-verbally redirect or remind off task students to come back to compliance without disturbing the ‘smoothness of her teaching flow during the second part of her placement. INSTRUCTION ‘3a Communicating with students Proficient, ‘Communicating with students 3b Using questioning and discussion techniques Proficient Using questioning and discussion techniques 3e Engaging students in leaming Proficient Engaging students in learning 3d Using Assessment in Instruction Proficient Using Assessment in Instruction 3e Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness Proficient Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness Comments: Brittany did @ thorough job with giving her instructions, through visual reinforcements and modeling a procedure, leaming station or learning game. During the second haif of the semester, she increased the frequency of having her students repeat instructions as well as asking if there were any questions. Britany’s strength is her engagement of her students. She did this through creative individual and collaborative leaming tasks employing strategies such as tum and talk, choral response, leaming games, hold ups, small white boards, Pads, experiments, Smart Board interaction, small guided groups, class discussions, and math Olympics. She has utiized many of these techniques to informally determine student understanding throughout her instruction. 30f5 5/3/2018, 10:29 PM MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation Intps:/ form dan?asmt_id_is individual responses. She has better at grasping those “teachable moments” based on student response or Questions. She has leamed to limit sharing in order to keep good time management. Britany did a good job with trying to promote critical thinking. Her reading response questions included predictions, comparison and contrast, including how and why you had that opinion, developing a hypothesis for experimentation and basing conclusions Con the original hypothesis. She asked for different strategies to solve math problems and students needed to demonstrate how they arrived at their response. During the second haf of this placement, Britany increased the frequency of asking higher level questions that included additional analysis, synthesis and evaluation, PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 4a Refectng on Teaching Proficient Reflecting on Teaching ‘4b Supervised maintenance of accurate records Proficient Supervised maintenance of accurate records ‘4c Supervised communication with families Proficient ‘Supervised communication with families 4d Participating in a Professional Community Proficient Participating in a Professional Community 4e Growing and Developing professionally Proficient Growing and Developing professionally ‘4f Showing Professionalism Proficient ‘Showing Professionalism ‘Comments: Britany has shown complete professionalism in this placement with her dress, work ethic, professional attitude, confidentiality and willingness to do whatever is asked of her. She has been open to feedback from her ‘cooperating teacher, supervisor and students. She utiized this feedback, as well as her own lesson reflections, to make the necessary changes in planning or instruction to better meet student needs. Britany created an introduction letter, Storytown & Teacher Work Sample parent connections and networked with school volunteers ‘and classroom mystery readers. Brittany has graded classroom tests, station work and checked science joumals. To increase her maintaining student records, Brittany created a work completion student checklist, an anecdotal note journal and has analyzed pre and post test Teacher Work Sample results. She has attended her supervisor's professional development, the Mandatory Interview Day and Student Recruitment Day at Millersville University. ‘She has applied for and interviewed for two STEM teaching positions within other districts. She applied for and obtained a summer ESY position with IU 13. Britany has attended second grade team meetings, facuity ‘meetings, a technology classroom integration session, a DIBELS score grade meeting, PSSA meeting and a Hempfield Resource Fair. She invited her principal and the assistant superintendent in to observe her. Brittany received favorable written feedback from the assistant superintendent. At this time, the other administrators have ‘ot provided written feedback yet. She continues her own professional development by reading articles related to ‘education and instruction and preparing for and interviewing for future early childhood positions. ‘Additional Comments: Brittany exhibits many of the qualities of an exceptional early childhood educator. She would be a welcome addition to 40f5 5/3/2018, 10:29 PM. bttps// MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation any district that would have the wisdom to higher her. Brittany goes above and beyond to meet the academic and ‘social needs of the students entrusted in her care. She works collaboratively and positively with school personnel to better serve the students she instructs. She became a valued and integral member of the Central Manor School learning community. ay EVALUATOR: Karen Green University Supervisor 5/8/2018 ur XM M0 Name Title Date ‘Signature a $732018, 10:29 PM.

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