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Joseph Jones Professor Ditch (é Vv | ac ‘ English 115 i it 28 February 2018 Happiness is a feeling that comes natural to y el happiness hile being with friends from school , feel happiness by doing thinasSich as shopping or jusyApending money in it been there with me general. Experiencing happiness for me is Spending time with the peopl from the beginning. In my opinigr( happiness is everything because ajeaiy positive pewon , and unless a situation or sighificant person agus ne in a negative wajp My happiness begins Oe . n \ ( to chang in different Face My performance changes because i'm more comfortable at va iH ——— { oy & im ve people I care about , andi isn'ta burden of work and responsibility at home. V7 /, tmaddition to my happiness being changed , my happiness isn't switched to unhappy or y ve ‘p, anything I woud say Ife more iter. Ever since my winter break it made me realize how much y 1 missed being home and being close to my loved ones. I used to feel great coming to college during the week, but now that j.was truly happy with being at home with my pets and family. After my break was over it finally hit me that I have to go back tothe basiond leave the people Ws and pets that truly made me happy. Being home sick definitely shows how my happiness being v changed in different spaces because I’m thrilled to being home with my friends and family { because those are the people that make me feel happy, but when I arrive to school i seem to : 4, suffer in the inside because I obviously do not want to be here , but I have to smile through the x ve suffering at the mp of the day. “ A physical or moral pain can be intense without destroying our (y eNO YY On MO c yt B® avs Pater jones? 4 iti ” x Positive outlook on life.” ( Ricard 41) . being home is everything to me , but I have to do what I CK. 1) nave to \' \ Equally important , my overall performance changes in these space by not really participating with my colleagues that much like I used too. Before the break I used to hangout Jot having fun, but then I went on a long break and reality hit me that , 1 should really be at hom ‘ with my real friends that I enjoy my time with, Now to this day , I tend to do all of my work ahead of time and just patiently wait for the weekend to arrive , so that Lean go home and spend |" a that time I lost with my friends and parents and gain all that time back and spend it with the \y) \ v people I really want to, My performances in the spaces used to be energetic such as being home with friends from high school and I was a very outgoing person when being around them , but now I’m more like all about my business because college is serious and college is the figure Ny q ' Ra fe we that’s going to help me succeed in life. All seriousness until it’s time to get to the weekend ard é get that break that everyone need once in a while.. iy x Not only...but also this reveals that being in different spaces can change a pe \ example, with me i rather go to school back home , only because it'l set different mood for me everyday and i'll set a different mood for me everyday and i'll be more happy with being at congo happiness is determined more by one’s state of mind than by external events.” (Lama . he TL. | ‘SD My happiness is being with my love one’s and friends, school is pretty much all about | ~~ oN business and I tend to be really serious about it. So therefore I do what I have to do and wait until a ly the weekend to express my happiness my friends and family. Its my decision to perform like Ido , but don’t get me wrong about my colleagues I'm grateful to have them as well, I just know who's going to be there for me in any situation at the eet the day. Family over everything 4 \ S a ¥ cy} \s d / oor would give anything just to be happy like i want to be for the rest of my life . living sess free and carefree. Family makes me more happy than ever , being happy is very good for your health. Given these points , everyone suffers unbappiness some point in their lives. It can be anything such as a tragedy that happened . or stressed or depressed. Some people may pot recognize the people that are suffering unhappiness because most people do not like to get the help they want towards being happy again. When it comes down to the weekend of me going back home it just excites me because I can be that happy camper like I used to be . before coming to college. When arriving back to college every Sunday night I don’t think my parents see how I suffer from not being home with them everyday like it used to be. I believe we all go through the stage where we're unhappy about something, but at the end of the day we know what's really important, -and we know what we veo d just re can exe hough our 25 of college. Connections from article “ Alchemy of Suering” the quoie sates“ Remaining painfully obsessed with a situation or the memory of a departed loved one . to the point of being _ Tine cmon ym se a mee, but of an auachmeat that does no g good to others or to oneself" (Ricard 41). That shows being away from loved a can really affet you. Lat ‘hk ti av Y7 ey - a zeigen ony onan engin! J p though, YOK ave to involve youself fn cvs sot can ge your mind off the eens ‘and be more of a positive person. Also take action on how to be more fun in life. then rather be down and sad. In the article from “ Nicomachean Ethics stated“ happiness then is ( ~_ Something complete and self sufficient and is the end of action( Arisfode 82). Basically Eisele Jones4 " 4, ce is giving the message that we have to take action in our lives where if we want to be happy in ya’ ( lie, we must do things to make us happy instead of sitting around for someone or something to J make us happy. So therefore my unhappiness situations about being being home sick I just () » simply think about the positives and realize that I can’t be negatives about things because at the o end , I'm the only one that can make myself feel that way. Also when growing up and experiencing becoming a man I’ve changed a lot in my ) 9): 1X opinion before coming to college , my parents basically was telling me that I'm on my own, On the outside it didn’t bother me at all, but onthe inside I was nervous because I was always under ¥ / them a lot and depended on them for everything! I soon had to readjust myself and get through it. expressed more because even though I’m not around my parents anymore I have no rules to follow. — vo \@ (u In conclusion , Everyday someone goes through a phase where someone is unhappy about something in their lives could being homesick , current events that are happening in this world , or some personal issues that occured, The thing is we go through all this pain but we really have to focus on how to get through it and keep a smile on our faces at the end of the day. A person's happiness can help them excel through life , examples of happiness can be finding the @ right one and marrying them , getting a new pet , receiving excellent grades in courses your , ot hearing some good news that'll make your day. Being unhappy can be challenging at times and can be hard to be happy again , but truly it either you have to think positive or get the help you need so you can get back to a old — and “i happy prsqn ange happy about wie wy Oe Ry, JonesS Matthew Parfitt, Dawn Skorezewski, Pursuing Happiness , Bedford/ St. Martin's , A a ( / V ! \ / t \ ( If Macmilla Education Imprint , Boston , New York \ I [CSUN Adapted Rupa nt aid not in an e582. ‘tempt to 08 |rougnoune e880 | | | ‘Student dd not tum in an e380. shyat ‘[Senience level erors do tts ayeiax, deat om te papers So eectveness |Grammar & Mechanics: 5% \syrtax, speling, punctuation

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