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He was just another gifted man, and she was just another woman amongst 3.

52 billion women on earth.

One curiousty.

And thousand secrets.

One memory.

And Thousand emotions.

Their worlds collide, between truth and lies,

Choices over daydreams and nights,

Two hearts unfolded.

The woods succumbed both hearts, and it was not a choice to get out of the woods.

Decisions are made, and both parties got tangled deeper into the woods.

Curiousity killed the cat they say,

Well then,

So be it.

Ever since the mankind was made by God, differences were prominent in every inch of His creation.
Nobody was the same. And it was kind of unfair for some. There were always the one who was better,
stronger, luckier than other. But God didn’t make the situation without reason.

Mankind was clueless at first, trying to figure out all the diversity between them. Wars happened. And
souls were taken back to the creator. One man was furious. He was nobody. But his fury to God was
enormous. As if he was made to be mad at God. He was confused, angry, and sad, why would God did
such thing. Why mankind was made if they were ended up destroying each other? He was helpless.

So he prayed, and he prayed, and he prayed...

He was mad at God, but he believed God with all of him. He knew God was the only answer for all of his

After 45 years of prayers, God finally answered his plea. In which, it cost his soul.

Right at the moment of his death, a child was born in southern Italy.

The boy didn’t cry nor scream.

He was born smiling. Beautiful. A gift to the world that God had given.

He was the saviour of the Hellhole.

He was the gifted man.

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