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Welcome to Ms. Mason’s 4th Grade

Elementary Music class!

What to expect in music class:

We will grow together to and explore ideas of notation and
harmony. We will continue to sing together every day, as well as
continue our exploration of percussion and piano. Additionally, we
will add a new instrument to our list, the recorder!

Rules and Procedures: Goals by End of Year:

 Instruments will be taken out  Expand on musical notation
and put away properly for  Learn basic three-part vocal
every rehearsal harmony
 Talking will be kept to a  Expand knowledge of chords
minimum on piano
 Maximum effort and  Learn basic recorder skills for
participation is essential to the end of year concert
process of making music

Grading Policies:
40% Active participation in singing
and playing instruments
20% Attendance at end of year
Contact Information:
Abby Mason
20% One written exam
10% One singing exam (in groups)
608-456-5151 ex. 4566
10% One playing exam (in groups)

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