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Design a roller coaster

By: Student K
Problem 1
From x=0 to x=4, the line is linear. The points also are linear, (x=1 y =1, x=2 y=2, etc.)

The curve between x=8 and x=11 is that the curve changes to x squared and a negative. The
points x=8 and x=11 land on the same y-axis (y=2)
Section 1 and 2 (problem 1)

Section 1 is from x=0 to x=5The side view shows that section 1 starts out with a linear line but
ends up being a parabola.

Section 2 is from x=5 to x=8. The side view shows that section 2 is not a linear equation. It also
shows that it is an exponential function.
Section 3,4, and 5(problem 1)

Section 3 is from x=8 to x=9. The side view shows that section 3 is a parabola or a square

Section 4 is from x=9 to x=11. The side view also shows that section 4 is a parabola.

Section 5 is from x=11 to x=12. The side view shows that section 5 is a linear equation. The
equation for section 5 is y=24-2x.
My graph
Problem 2 equations
Linear equations:

Line 1: y=1+3/2x

Line 2: y=28-3/2x
Problem 2 equations

Parabola equation for the first hill: y=5(x-9)²+14

Problem 2 equations

Linear equations:

Line 3: y=3/4x-5

Line 4: y=36-3/4x
Problem 2 equations

Parabola equation the the second hill: y=13(x-28)²+15

Problem 2 equations

Parabola equation for the loop: y=3(x-37)²+21

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