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Ideas - this is going to be kind of a closing section. The image is that he's going to be walking
back from the Graveyard, happy that he got to talk to his wife.

Mood - he just got to talk to his wife, so it's a very wholesome but at the same time very sad
type of feeling. Like the feeling you got when you split from ______, but you knew that she was
happy, and that she was better in a different place. Even though it had to end.

Colors - Sunset. Lots of orange and purple. It's fitting that the piece is ending in Ab major. We're
going to stay in key kind of - there will be a few modulations, but I ultimately do want the piece
to end in Ab.

Melodic content - it's going to be a big cramming together of the previous melodic content.

It's going to come to a close. We'll do two phases - one is the main theme, and then a bit of the
previous Ab section melody, but without the feels chord - the melody is elaborated upon. Lots of

The final bit is all of that fading away, left with only the cellos, and harmonic background, they
are answered with chords, and then the final chord, which ends with a line that is played by the

==========FIRST PHRASE============

State the main theme. Kind of like Ab climax theme, but there is a countermelody (it's written in
the flute staff). The original melody is heard in one of the accompaniment tones. The chord is
allowed to be elaborated on, instead of cut off like the Ab section previously.

On his way back from the graveyard...he sees the beach again I guess. This time, it's not so much
a bright, flickering sunset - but rather a dim one; the sun has almost set. In fact, the sun has
completely set - it's twilight at this point, and only faint traces of purple. Go for almost-night
harmonies, and a very "ember" like sound, as opposed to a fiery passionate one.

Then a chordal section, where it's just two swells. On the third one, the harp line that led to the
first cadence is repeated, or something like that, and this one is a lot more resolute. This brings
us to the second phase.

==========SECOND PHRASE========

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