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Lesson Plan

Date: the 22nd of January 2015

Teacher: Monica Borş
School: Liceul Tehnologic de Electronică şi Automatizări "Caius Iacob" Arad
Form: 11B
Level: Upper-Intermediate
Teacher: Monica Borş
Lesson Title: 'Conditionals'
Lesson Type: of systematization and revision of knowledge
Main Aim: to revise conditionals type 1, type 2 and type 3
Objectives: by the end of the lesson the students would have
 O1 revised and practised conditional type 1
 O2 revised and practised conditional type 2
 O3 revised and practised conditional type 3
Language functions:
F1: expressing conditions
F2: expressing causes and consequences
Skills: developing speaking
Techniques: frontal, dialogues
Assumptions: students will be interested in the topic
Personal aim: to reduce the teacher talking time during the class

Anticipated Problems Solutions

Students will use the native language instead Encourage students to use English
of using English
Students will copy each other's answers Tell students that they have to give a
different answer than their colleagues

Aids: notebooks, blackboard, chalk

Assessment: oral, marks

Lesson Stages

Lesson Description Type of Time

Stage Interaction
Lead in The teacher tells students that today they will revise and T-Ss 4
practise the conditionals type 1, type 2 and type 3.
Stage 1 The teacher elicits the rule for conditional type 1.' To talk T-Ss 2
about something that is possible.' The teacher presents a
situation 'If I win the lottery I will______'
Stage 2 In chains the students ask and answer using conditional Ss-Ss 10
type 1. 'What will you do if you win the lottery? If I win
the lottery I will_______'
Stage 3 The teacher elicits the rule for conditional type 2. 'To talk T-Ss 2
about something that is not true in the present and unlikely
or impossible in the future. The teacher presents a situation
'If I were you I would______'
Stage 4 In chains the students ask and answer using conditional Ss-Ss 10
type 2. 'What would you do if you were me? If I were you I
Stage 5 The teacher elicits the rule for conditional type 3.'To talk T-Ss 2
about something that is imaginary in the past. The teacher
presents a situation 'If I had gone to the party I would
Stage 8 In chains the students ask and answer using conditional Ss-Ss 15
type 3. 'What would you have done if you had gone to the
party? If I had gone to the party I would have________.'

Follow up Students draw a chart with the three types of conditionals Teacher- 5
on a sheet of A4 paper for their portfolios. Students

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