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Mrs. Ott
Mr. Farmer
Coach Patterson
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Matos
Dr. McGhee
Mrs. Doughty
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Turner
Survey of Education

1. What is your schooling background?

a. Degrees, certifications, etc.
Bachelor’s degree in biology from Texas tech, Master's degree in education
from UNT
Went to Texas Tech and majored in psychology and minored in sociology,
then did missionary work for 2 years. Went to Region 10 teaching program,
then got masters in school counseling from DBU.
Under grad degree in chem and a master's from Texas state university
Bachelor's degree in pe, health and education, a degree in educational
leadership and policy studies at UTA
Bachelors in science and administrative management
Bachelors in interdisciplinary studies specializing in math, degree in CECS
Bachelors, masters, and phd in psychology
Bachelor's degree in education and a masters in education
Bachelor’s from Stephen F Austin
Master’s degree in literary studies and bachelors in psychology and library
science masters degree

2. What subjects did you teach before your current position?

Biology and IPC, cheerleading sponsor
Became a special education teacher/behavior specialist
Chemistry and all levels of math
7th grade science, pe, and strength and conditioning
Started as data clerk then served as financial secretary
Taught 3rd grade, 5th grade, 6th grade math, 7th & 8th grade multimedia
and broadcasting
Never taught
Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Ott
Mr. Farmer
Coach Patterson
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Matos
Dr. McGhee
Mrs. Doughty
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Turner
Taught 3rd grade
Taught history, economics, world geography

3. How long have you been in a public school career?

22 years
21 years
31 years
8.5 years
10 years
22 years
16 years
20 years
26 years
16 years

4. Is this your first career? If not, please share your other

Worked at the children’s home for 2 years
No, worked at Corporate America
Taught for a while and then wrote for a newspaper
Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Ott
Mr. Farmer
Coach Patterson
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Matos
Dr. McGhee
Mrs. Doughty
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Turner
5. What made you want to become a counselor,
psychologist, diagnostician, administrator or testing
Teaching a group of students, they turned in blank quizzes and she wanted
to do something where she could learn about the student rather than teach
them a subject.
Loved helping others and making others feel better, and woman of faith
opened up her eyes
Taught for 18 years but wanted to something different while staying in a
school working with kids
Wanted to be in education so he could coach, because his high school
coaches were awful.
Career progression, needed a work schedule to meet kids schedule
Love for kids, technology, learning new stuff and helping people
Just choose to major in psychology
Wanted to learn about special education students
Thought he could have a bigger impact on students outside of the
Changed mind on other careers and heard being a librarian was the best

6. What education do you need in order to be in your current

Master’s degree in education and teach for 3 years
Get teaching certification and teach for 3 years and get a master’s degree
in school counseling
Master's degree in educational administration and pass the Texas exam
Bachelor's degree and certified by the state of Texas as a teacher
Some college is preferred
Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Ott
Mr. Farmer
Coach Patterson
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Matos
Dr. McGhee
Mrs. Doughty
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Turner
Certified teacher, taught for a minimum of 3 years, bachelors degree,
masters preferred
Bachelors and masters, year long internship
Bachelor’s degree, 3 years as a teacher, masters degree, and certification
Masters in education administration
Master’s degree and 2 years of teaching

7. What is your daily routine like?

It’s inconsistent, you do stuff like answer questions, schedule changes,
classroom guidance, registration for next year, testing
It varys on the time of the year, schedules, answering emails & phone calls
within 24 hours, desk paperwork, following the lead counselor’s instructions
There's not really a routine because everyday is different. There are regular
responsibilities but the timing is different everyday.
6:30 a.m. is football practice, first period off, second period is first class,
then advisory, then third period, football until 6pm and FCA after
Get here before the principal and review her calendar, answer email
questions then do some payroll housekeeping, and submit payroll once a
Don't have one, most routine thing is coming to school at 8 and leaving at 5
A lot of meetings, testing, counseling
Varies from day to day, give tests, write reports, have meetings
Check emails, answer/return phone calls, duty, then after that it varies from
day to day
Don’t have a routine, the only thing that stays the same is check emails and
make a check list right away

8. What job responsibilities are required in this position?

Academic and personal counseling
Have to be kid friendly, a good counselor, a team player, and manage time
Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Ott
Mr. Farmer
Coach Patterson
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Matos
Dr. McGhee
Mrs. Doughty
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Turner
Master schedule for the building, lunch & before/after school duties
Make sure practice and game schedules are put together and prepare
reminders and announcements ahead of time, turn lessons in ahead of
Organization and being able to juggle people and their problems
Help directly impact student instruction
Working directly with students and parents to help with difficulties
Being able to interpret IQ scores, achievement and a lot of meetings
Checking students attendance and grades, having daily duty, handle
disciplinary actions, go into classrooms
Order all the books, create research guides, talking to the students, library
programming, social media, library updating

9. What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Sharing something that can change someone’s perspective after being
Working with kids and making a difference
Seeing kids who struggle go on to graduate
See athletes or students understand what he is talking about
Helping make sure the building is run properly
Talking to kids directly and have a teacher try something new
When people feel empowered to handle their situations and not keep going
back to their low place
Seeing students be successful, helping parents teacher and kids
Seeing young students grow into adults and become successful
Working with students and with teachers

10. What is the most frustrating part of your job?

When parents/students have their mind made up already and don’t take
your advice
Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Ott
Mr. Farmer
Coach Patterson
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Matos
Dr. McGhee
Mrs. Doughty
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Turner
Paperwork and meeting that you have to attend
All the paperwork you have to fill out
Adults that don't understand students, including parents and teachers
Trying to figure it all out and making it work
When people don't read their emails
Not everybody has concerns for their students, when people don’t have
patience, and when students/parents don’t recognize they can help
Students not doing what they're supposed to do, some teachers don’t meet
You only have so many hours in a day to get stuff done
Don’t have a library aide

11. What characteristics should someone possess if they are

interested in becoming the same educational professional?
Communication is the most important, empathy, and organization
No matter what you do, you just need to be passionate
Has to be patient, responsible and respectful
They should be patient, have empathy, be organized and be consistent
A college degree, an ability to handle a lot at the same time
Have to be okay with change, personable, patient
Be able to handle stress and organized
Have to be flexible
Have to love working with young people, have to be good at working in
groups and enjoy seeing people learn
Have to be passionate and willing to work with other people

12. Any advice you can provide to students who are

interested in being a counselor, psychologist, diagnostician,
administrator, or testing specialist?
Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Ott
Mr. Farmer
Coach Patterson
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Matos
Dr. McGhee
Mrs. Doughty
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Turner
Know what the job really is before going through the effort to get the
Take your time and don’t jump right into a career right away, being
passionate and be patient
Begin as a classroom teacher, make sure it's your passion and don't do it if
it's not.
Don't take anything personal, learn from the positives and grow from the
Go to college and get an education
Be humble because there's no way to know everything about everything,
listen, and be interested in learning
Talk to people to find out what the job is really like
Find what your passion is about
Be open minded to other’s ideas, be willing to speak up, be dedicated
Have a plan financially, be aware that it’s going to be hard work, and figure
out what you want to be

13. Is there any other information you would like to share?

There’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff that counselors do that students &
teachers don’t see
Don’t go into the job for the pay, do it because you want to give back
Teaching is a very difficult but rewarding job
Make sure you network
Take the initiative and be able to adapt
Pay attention to the things that you love doing
Find something that you are passionate about
Find a good mentor that you can ask questions and look up to, and always
carry yourself in a professional manner
You can become a doctor in any field of education

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