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Concertmaster excerpt seminar1

1. Rosenkavalier
 Rehearsal numbers 35-38
 Rehearsal numbers 50-52
2. Zarathustra (1A concertmaster and associate parts)
 16 bars before rehearsal number 2
 rehearsal number 11 to 8 before 12
 rehearsal number 21-23
 12 before rehearsal number 26-36
3. Capriccio Espagnol, all solos
4. St. Matthew’s Passion, Ebarme Dich, no. 39 (all solos)
5. Ma Mere L’Oye, 4th movement, rehearsal number 6-11 bars before the end.
 Jardin Feerique rehearsal number 2-4 bars after 3

1 Pulcinella solo for fingerings

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