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Avila 1 because of the war. She has empathy for others rather than Sympathy because she knows what it is Tike to have a rough life, it might as be as rough as the people that are going those the hardship ‘ality of World War IL, but she puts it in to perspective that these people who are members of the society trust her enough to tell their story. _— The way in Which Mark is identified as unhappy are a followed, due tothe fact that Juliet broke his heart and she was his world, but that he relies on pleasure for ‘happiness in which ‘leads him to suffer interally. In the book, “Pursuing Happiness", the author Matthieu Ricard of the article, “The Alchemy of Suffering”, reveals about Mark that is not happy and is suffering on the inside, internally, “There are not mere words but a realty that isan intrinsic part of our daily lives:death,the transitory nature ofall things, and suffering. Though we may feel overwhelmed ~~» Powerless before so much pain, turning away from it only indifference ot cowardice"(36, Ricard) This shows that there will be things in life that we can not have control over, In other ‘Worlds, is it is like when do not know when our last breath would be or how ong we will live. OF Souse we can get an estimate and always be prepared, but nobody is ever really ready for ‘anything. Life is something that we can not control and the only thing that ean be in control is, how we live life and what can and can not affect us. Usually we let someone portray and impact ‘cur life someway somehow, connecting back to Mark and Juliet, he relied on her for his happiness and without her, Mark felt incomplete. In the article it talks about the the three types of ores suffering and one of the main ones that Mark shows the masts invisible suffer because he mee relies on materialistic things to make him happy. He can have every single thing in this world, but sill would not be happy or satisfied. In relation to Aristotle's article in the text, it conveys

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