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Planning and Pre-Production

Unit 8: Creative project


o Production Schedule
o Script / Shooting Script
o Storyboard
o Props List
o Crew List
o Location Recces
o Clearances and Confirmations
o Contingency Plan
Production Schedule
Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and teams members
including actors

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Thu 12/04/18 Fri
3-4 pm 13/04/18
Lewis was Again,
the only Lewis
actor used. I was the
was doing only
the actor
camerawork. used for
This was We
when we filmed at
filmed at the Marlow
bridge near Common
Bisham sports woods
centre. It and in
was myself the
and Lewis trenches.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Mon Tue 24/04/18 Wed 25/04/18 Fri 27/04/18 Sat
23/04/18 12pm+ 5-6pm 28/04/18
4-5pm All day
We are These are This is when we This is where This is when
filming the the scenes plan to film the Jenna will be we are
scenes where it majority of our doing Lewis’s wrapping
with the shows me production. makeup for up the
lip syncing and Emma We will need the scenes filming
in them, in separate Lewis and that show process,
this means locations Emma for this him being these are
that it’s both angry day as we are beaten by the scenes
just Lewis and upset, filming the Emma where
that is throwing domestic Emma has
needed, things etc violence side the knife.
as well as of the We will
myself on production need Lewis
the and Emma
camera on set.
These are
the last
scenes of
We will be The locations We will be This is where This will be
filming this that we will filming this in we will be filmed in
in Marlow be using will the Marlow using the Lewis’s
Common be the common underground house and
and in Underground woods and at location in the
Goss more motorway my house as it near Johns woods
park bridge in shows that we House in near to his
Marlow Earley. are in a Reading area.
where we live
Music Video Shooting Script

Description of visuals Lyrics

 Before the lyrics start there is a long

intro, we will be using lots of
cinematic shots of me in the woods
looking sad. There will be lots of jump
cuts and focus pulls

 The first shot that the audience see is

of Lewis walking out of a building, now that I’m gone, I know that you hear it
away from Emma. There will also be
a shot of him lip-syncing the second
 When it says, ‘’I know that you see
me’’ there will be a shot of Emma i know that you’ve seen me
looking out into the woods and oh, oh, oh, oh
there a faded image of Lewis
walking in front of her, so it looks like
she’s imagining it.
 From the fourth line down there will now that I’m gone, I know that you care
be shots of Emma upset and angry. I see how you’re caring now
A mini montage of clips showing oh, oh, oh, oh
Lewis and Emma upset and angry,
throwing things etc.

 For the first line of Verse 1 there will searching for wrong
be a shot of Lewis with his hands in so you can point your stubborn finger at
the air saying the lyrics. Emma looks me again
through his phone ‘’pointing her at me again
stubborn finger at me again’’, she
also pushes him to the floor and is
shouting at him.

 This shot will be of Lewis trying to

comfort Emma but she pushes him what has become
away and hits him. There is then see all that I did want, was for you to end
multiple shots of them fighting. The up so perfect
last shot will be of Lewis on his own all I see is just another one
looking depressed

 Lewis will be lip-syncing this line and

wondering why they don’t see me
there will be a close up of his face
with a finger over his mouth as the
better off if I don’t tell you baby
line ends.
 This shot is going to be of Lewis if you would even believe it
pleading with Emma but she hits him for all that you keep that we’re selling
again. This is the shot where he will baby
have makeup on which makes it
look like he has a black eye.

 This shot will be lip-synced, at the you know that I, oh no, you don’t
underground location, smoke
around Lewis. Creative angles and
interesting shots.

I can see it in your eyes, that person that

 This shot will be a close up of
you’re wearing
Emma’s eyes. Then there’s a
a faulty disguise
flashback of her shouting at Lewis. I
will then film Lewis’s eyes and there
will be a flashback to the couple
when they were good together.

you’re the reason that i hate so

the reason that i hate so
 This shot is of me lip-syncing and
pointing at the camera as if it’s
Emma that I’m talking to. Faded
image of Emma above me, (looks
like I’m imagining her)

I see the blade in your hand

I see the blade in your hand
 For this shot it will be Emma holding
a knife, focus pulls and silhouetting

What you waiting for?

 It then cuts to a shot of them fighting
and Lewis is saying, ‘’what are you
waiting for’’ I aim to make this scene
long and dramatic for the best, most
realistic emotions. i see the blade in your hand
i see the blade in your hand

 Emma attacks Lewis with the knife

What you waiting for?
but he hits it out of her hand and
runs. It shows him getting his things
and leaving
 This is a shot of Lewis on his own in
the woods lip-syncing the last line.
Props List

Item Item Description Who uses it When it is used

Knife The knife that is shown at Emma is the It’s used at the
the end of the music actor that is end of the
video holding the video with the
knife lyrics, ‘’I see
the blade in
your hand’’
Mobile Phone The phone that Emma It’s Lewis’s This is used in
looks through phone but the middle of
Emma takes it the production
so both
actors use this
Smoke bombs Red and purple smoke Lewis will be These will be
flairs will make shots holding them used for
more cinematic and and they will scenes
interesting. be placed on throughout the
the floor music video.
around him.
Crew List

Person Role Dates Needed

23rd-28th of April
Lewis Highgate Male actor

23rd-28th of April
John Warwick Cameraman

24th 25th 27th and 28th

Emma Johnson Female actor April
Location Recce

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Forest

Location Address:

Marlow common woods


Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station:

Marlow train station

Nearest Bus stop:

West street Marlow

Lighting Information: Solutions:

The lighting used here is all natural If there are shots where we need high-
lighting, we plan to film here on key lighting we will use a mounted light
sunny days but the trees can also in order to make the scene lighter, we
cause shade which may affect the can also use the shade in a good way
shot types as it conveys sadness and depression.

Sound Information: Solutions:

Our production is a music video so the
The sounds that you can hear will be music will be predominant and the
footsteps and birds chirping etc. diegetic sounds won’t be heard as

Power Information Solutions:

There won’t be a power source that We will need to make sure that all of our
is accessible equipment is previously charged and
ready to use.

Hazards Solutions:
We need to make sure that we are
There are a lot of trip hazards in the careful where we walk and be aware of
woods, roots and branches etc. our surroundings.
Clearances and Confirmations

Lewis Emailed Emma Johnson to ask if she could act in our production.

I emailed Jenna to ask if we could use her prosthetic makeup skills to improve
the professionalism of our production.
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: household

Location Address: 53 sutcliffe


Sat Nav details (Post


Nearest Train Station:

Earley station

Nearest Bus stop:

Wokingham road co-op stop.

Lighting Information: Solutions:

We want to use natural lighting to make If any shadows are created or the
it realistic. lighting is not even we will use a
camera mounted light and a light
bounce to even the lighting and make
sure the scenes look professional.
Sound Information: Solutions:
Our production is a music video so the
There won’t be any added in sounds to music will be predominant and the
this scene diegetic sounds won’t be heard.

Power Information Solutions:

There mains power sources at this The house has power to charge
location equipment and spare equipment if we
have any technical difficulties.
Hazards Solutions:

There are some hazards such as trip Whilst I film, I will ask someone tosspot
hazards. me so I do not trip on anything and ruin
the filming or hurt myself.
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: My


Location Address: 85 the

Ridgeway Marlow

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station: Marlow

Train station

Nearest Bus stop: Marlow,

Bobmore lane

Lighting Information: Solutions:

I will be using the lights in my house, not
Artificial lighting natural lighting

Sound Information: Solutions:

I will just be using the music from the
There won’t be any added sounds song for this scene

Power Information Solutions:

I can charge my camera in my room

My camera can be charged off of the
mains in my house and I can preview
the footage on my laptop
Hazards Solutions:
Be careful when filming so not running
When Emma has the knife in her hand with the knife and watching where she
waves it around.

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area:


Location Address:
Marlow Common, Marlow SL7

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station:

Marlow station SL7 1NT

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural lighting If we need to we could use a camera mounted
Some shade from trees light and light boom Nearest Bus stop:

Sound Information: Solutions:

Little to no background noise n/a
Power Information Solutions:
No power source Make sure camera and equipment is fully
charged. Spare batteries

Hazards Solutions:
Lots of trip hazards Get someone to spot the camera man whilst
walking and filming
Contingency Plan
What are your plans for if something goes wrong? What back up actors,
locations and equipment do you have?

Lewis and I have different back up plans. For example if something goes
wrong and we can’t film at a certain location, whether that’s due to the
weather or other reasons, we have other spots in mind to film at that will also
keep the lo-fi vibe of our production. For example there’s a spot near where I
live that’s an underground storm drain. If the weathers really bad we will go
there as there is shelter but on the other hand if it’s raining it contributes to the
vibe of the song as it’s sad and depression and rain connotes this.

We’re using Lewis as the male actor in our production and I know that he can
do it so we don’t have to find a backup actor there but on the other hand,
we’re using Emma as the female actor and if she can’t do the production for
whatever reason we have a backup actor that would be able to film and
who also has qualifications in performing arts. Her name is Holly Wilson and if
something goes wrong with Emma we know that we have somebody else
that we can use.

The equipment that we’re using is just cameras and tripods, if these fail to
work we can use someone else’s camera or tripod. We plan to be using a lot
of natural lighting but for some scenes we may need artificial light which we
can borrow from the college. If this fails to work then we can use torches, this
won’t look as good but it will work better than natural light for some scenes.

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