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Kira Cohen

Ms. Rossi, Edgewood Elementary School

March 6, 2018

1) Title: “Fortunately, Unfortunately”; Cause & Effect

2) Lesson Essential Questions: What are cause and effect, and how can we recognize it in

3) Standards: CC.1.2.K.C With prompting and support, make a connection between two
individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

4) Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Objective Assessment
Students will be able to pull examples of Students will actively participate in a
cause and effect from the story. classroom discussion.
Students will be able to create their own Students will illustrate an example of a
example of cause and effect cause and effect scenario through the
completion of a flip book

5) Materials:
a. Read aloud book “Fortunately”
b. 24 pieces of craft paper
c. Scissors
d. Markers/crayons
e. Document camera

6) Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:

Students will have already been introduced to the concept of cause and effect, and the
lesson will serve as a review of the material.

7) Lesson Beginning
Teacher will introduce the concept of cause and effect, demonstrate an example and
display a visual representation on the board.

8) Instructional Plan
Activity Materials Time
Teacher will introduce the Cause and effect poster 5 minutes
topic of cause and effect,
demonstrate an example,
and display a visual
representation on the
Teacher will call the Book Fortunately 10 minutes
students to the carpet and
read the book Fortunately
aloud. Throughout the
reading, teacher will ask
thought provoking
questions such as “What
do you think the cause of
his decision was?” or
“What effect do you think
this will have?”
Students will complete a Construction paper, 8 minutes
flip book asking them to crayons
detail examples of cause
and effect.
Students will have the Student work 5 minutes
opportunity to share what
they drew, using the words
cause and effect.
Teacher will summarize by n/a 5 minutes
presenting several
examples of cause and
effect, and having the
students verbally label the
events in the scenario.
Teacher will thank the n/a 2 minutes
students for their hard
work, and encourage them
to look for cause and effect
examples throughout the

While completing the flip book, teacher will be available to help students who need
extra explanation or assistance. Students who finish the drawing portion of the book will
have the option of writing a sentence to accompany their drawing.

What is cause and effect?
What was the cause of this event?
What was the effect of his decision?
What’s one example of cause and effect you can see?
In this scenario, which is the cause and what is the effect?

Classroom Management
Teacher will employ the “ROAR” standards of classroom management, asking the boys
and girls for their respect and their best ROAR behavior. Teacher will be sure to call out
students who are not on track and encourage them to get back on task. Teacher will also
not be afraid to remind students of the expectations, which are that they will be quiet,
respectful, and doing their best work.

Teacher will ask the students to join her on the rug by colored table, with specific
instructions that she is looking for tables who are being quiet, respectful, and ready to
learn. Teacher will instruct students to hop, skip, or jump back to their seats, depending
on their table’s color.

9) Closure
Teacher will verbally review examples of cause and effect, asking students to pick out
the examples as either cause or effect. Once satisfied that the majority of students have
a strong understanding of the concept, teacher will thank students for their attention,
and challenge them to look for examples of cause and effect as a new waiting strategy.

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