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What are Modes, States and Transitions in GSM,


 Goodbye IPv4... Hello IPv6!

Hello friends. Today we will talk about a very important issue for those
working with mobile communications: what are the different modes and states
that a mobile phone can take, as well as how the transitions occurs between
each of them.

The concept is simple, but the great amount of detail can end up making the
topic an extensive or complex task. This ends up causing many people simply
give up trying to understand, or even not to be interested about know such

However, the lack of knowledge of these key points of operation (when

transitions occur, why they occur, etc.) ultimately affects the
understanding of other areas of the mobile network, since the operation of
the entire network is based on that. Not really understanding this
fundamental base of operation, then yes is that we run the risk of thinking
that everything is too complicated.

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