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The Godfather Part II

2. The Godfather Part III
3. Scarface
4. The Shawshank Redemption
5. Casablanca
6. Jaws
7. Rocky
8. Star Wars (I-VI)
9. Taxi Driver
10. Apocalypse Now
11. Alien
12. The Shining
13. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
14. E.T
15. The Thing
16. The Terminator(I-III)
17. Brazil
18. Die Hard
19. The Silence of the Lambs
20. Schneider’s List
21. Saving Private Ryan
22. The Matrix
23. Fight Club
24. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
25. The Lord of the Rings Series
26. Kill Bill Series
27. Apocalyto
28. The Artist
29. The Milk of Sorrow
30. Hellboy
31. Life is Beautiful
32. A Beautiful Mind
33. The Mask of Zorro
34. Master and Commander
35. The Passion of the Christ
36. Tupac: Resurrection
37. Crash
38. Ocean’s Ten and Eleven
39. The Da Vinci Code
40. Blade
41. Rambo
42. The Fifth Element
43. Predator
44. Psycho
45. Blade Runner
46. Titanic
47. Total Rekall
48. The Men who Stare at Goats
49. Citizen Kane
50. Laurence of Arabia
51. Minority Report
52. Ben Hur

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