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Galaxy Fleet wars Standard Edition Alpha 1.01 ©A.C.

Lawton 2014

GAME TURN flow chart

THE GAME TURN flow chart - In the Basic/Advanced Game turn there are six steps.
Step 1. Initiative - Each Fleet Admiral roll's a D6 and adds the following modifiers to the
die roll.
 If either Admiral starts with concealed or cloaked vessels within 20" of an enemy Squadron he
gets +1 to his Initiative roll that turn (advanced optional rule).
 +2 to his Initiative role for a Legendary Admiral controlling his fleet
(advanced optional rule).
 +1 to his Initiative role for an Experienced Admiral controlling his fleet
(advanced optional rule).
 - 1 to his Initiative role for a Green Admiral controlling his fleet (advanced optional rule).
 +2 For active science vessels in their fleet (not cumulative) (advanced optional rule).
 +1 For active scout vessels in their fleet (not cumulative) (advanced optional rule).
 The higher rolling player has the Tactical advantage that turn, they now record the difference in
the roll's, this is their Tactical advantage (T.A.) score that turn.

Step 2. Movement phase 1 - The Admiral without the T.A. now moves a Squadron first,
play then alternates between the players of each fleet, Squadron by Squadron until all the
vessels have moved on each side,
 Each time the T.A. winner's fleet has to move they may Reserve a Squadron to move later (Place
a Reserved marker by the Squadron held in reserve).
 Only 1 squadron for each level of T.A. the T.A. winner has may be reserved in this way.
 If the Admiral who lost the T.A. has more Squadrons than the T.A. winner he must move the
extra Squadrons before the T.A. winner moves his reserved Squadrons, otherwise the unmoved
vessels are marked at Full Halt and marked with a Halted marker.
 Once the T.A. losers last Squadron is moved the T.A. winners Reserved Squadrons must all move
or be considered at Full Halt for that phase, and marked with a Halted marker.
 During this phase any vessel may declare grappling/repelling on another vessel that moves
within 4" this interrupts the vessels move until resolved (advanced rule).
 Each time a cloaked vessel is moved it may be declared to be de-cloaking, place a de-cloaking
marker next to it, the vessel may be fired at in step 3, but cannot fire itself until step 5.
(advanced rule).
 After all big vessels have moved all 'F' class vessels & Fighter Squadrons are then moved (why
last? well because they are nimble and fast enough to react to the slow big lumbering ships).
 Any vessel that passes through the area marker of a MADS system has a chance of being
attacked see minefields p31 (advanced rule).

Step 3. Attack phase 1 - A player from the Admiral whose fleet has the T.A. may now
choose to attack with one of their Squadrons.
 All attacks are conducted for the vessels of that Squadron
 This continues until they have attacked with a number of Squadrons equal to his T.A. Score, This
is known as Tactical Advantage fire.
 Once all T.A. fire is finished play alternates between the players of each fleet Squadron by
Squadron until all ships have fired or passed on both sides.
 During this Phase any vessel whose turn it is to attack may declare Grappling/repelling on
another vessel within 4" (advanced rule).
 Boarding actions take place (advanced rule).

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Galaxy Fleet wars Standard Edition Alpha 1.01 ©A.C.Lawton 2014

Step 4. Movement phase 2 - First all the prior Move Phase halted or de-cloak markers
are removed any uncloaked vessels may now fire in step 5, then play proceeds as Step 2
 There is no reserved movement in this phase.
 If the Admiral who lost the T.A. has more Squadrons he must move the excess before the T.A.
winner moves his last Squadron otherwise they are classed as at full halt and marked with a halt
 During this Phase any vessel may declare Grappling/repelling on another vessel that moves
within 4" this interrupts the vessels move until resolved (advanced rule).
 Again after all big vessels have moved all 'F' class vessels & Fighter Squadrons move.
 Any Vessels with Docked Fighters can now launch them or if they have empty bays they can
recover any fighters are within 4" of the vessel. Launching fighters may immediately move to an
attack position at their full speed.
 Any vessel that passes through the area marker of a MADS system has a chance of being
attacked see minefields p31 (advanced rule).

Step 5. Attack phase 2 - A player from the Admiral whose fleet won the T.A. now may
choose to attack with one of their Squadrons conducting all attacks for that Squadron.
Once finished play alternates between the players of each fleet Squadron by Squadron until
all vessels have fired or passed on both sides.
 There is no Tactical Advantage fire for the T.A. winner in this Phase.
 During this phase any vessel whose turn it is to attack may declare Grappling/repelling on
another vessel within 4" (advanced rule).
 Boarding actions take place (advanced rule).

Step 6. End Phase - In this phase each player check their victory conditions, vessel and
fleets morale, conducts repairs, repowers shields, activates scouts and so on as follows,
 Each Admiral checks their scenario victory conditions, if not yet met play continues.
 Each Admiral recharges all vessel shields to the maximum permitted shield level.
 All Cloaking markers are removed and replaced by Cloaked markers (advanced rule).
 All Ships/Stations make repair roll's (advanced rule).
 Science ships are activated (advanced rule).
 Squadron scouts are activated (advanced rule).
 Any special Terrain effects/Damages are applied.
 Each Admiral Tests Squadron/Fleet morale status.

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Galaxy Fleet wars Standard Edition Alpha 1.01 ©A.C.Lawton 2014

Game Reference Card (Basic/Advanced Rules)

The Basic Turn (p11)

Step 1. Initiative - Each Admiral roles a D6 winner has Tactical advantage, Difference = winners T.A.score
Step 2. Movement phase 1
Step 3. Attack phase 1
Step 4. Movement phase 2
Step 5. Attack phase 2
Step 6. End Phase


No. of attacks = 1/2/4/8/16/32/64 Were 1 equals the vessels basic weapon class.


Hull Class A+/A B/C D/E F  -1 Cloaking or de-cloaking. (advanced)
Hit Chance 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+  -1 Target using Interceptors. (advanced)
 -2 Fully cloaked Warship. (advanced)
Modifiers (cumulative) - A die roll of 1 always misses!  -3 Fully cloaked Stealth/Science ship. (advanced)
 +1 Target Not Moving/Halted.  +2 Firer is Legendary Gunner. (advanced)
 +1 Target at Short range.  +1 Firer is Experienced Gunner. (advanced)
 -1 Target at Long range.  -1 Firer is Green Gunner. (advanced)
 +1 PDFC Anti-fighter Fire-con ( first 6 E or F Class targets,  -2 Target ship has Legendary Helmsman. (advanced)
Then +/- 0 up to next 12 targets).  -1 Target ship has Experienced Helmsman. (advanced)
 -1 Target In Lower Orbit/Upper Atmosphere.  +1 Target ship has Green Helmsman. (advanced)
 -2 Target In A Dense Asteroid Field, per 4".
 -1 Target In A Loose Asteroid Field, per 4". The Impossible shot table:
 -1 Target In Planetary Rings or Dust cloud, per 4". Modified to hit 2nd Die role
 -2 Target In A Nebula Cloud, per 4". 7+ 4+
 -2 Target In A Stars Corona. 8+ 5+
 -1 LOS passes through another Ship or ships base area. 9+ 6+
(except E or F class) 10+ Impossible shot

Shield Penetration (p18):

Weapon class/Damage per hit Modifiers (cumulative) -
SHIELD A+/12 A/8 B/4 C/2 D/1 E/1 F/1  +2 Attacking from Aft Arc.
CLASS  +1 Attacking from Aft Half.
A+ 5 6 7 8 9 N N  +1 Short range. (+1 Damage A+ to C class)
A 5 5 6 7 8 9 N  -1 Long range. (-1 Damage A+ to C class)
B 4 5 5 6 7 8 9  -1 Cloaking or de-cloaking. (advanced)
C 4 4 5 5 6 7 8  -2 Fully cloaked Warship. (advanced)
D 3 4 4 5 5 6 7  -3 Fully cloaked Stealth/Science ship. (advanced)
E 3 3 4 4 5 5 6  +2 Firer is Legendary Gunner. (advanced)
 +1 Firer is Experienced Gunner .
F 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
N = Weapon to weak to penetrate shield.
 -1 Target using Interceptors. (advanced)
A Natural Role of "1" for penetration deflects all damage
 -1 Firer is Green Gunner. (advanced)
or 1 - 2 for hits to C+ Shield's.
 -2 Target ship has Legendary Science officer. (advanced)
 -1 Target ship has Experienced Science officer.
( advanced)
 +1 Target ship has Green Science officer. (advanced)
DAMAGE (p19):
The DP Table:
WEAPON CLASS/Damage per hit A+/12 A/8 B/4 C/2 D/1 E/1 F/1
DP 48 24 18 12 6 3 1
DP 24 12 9 6 4 2 1
DP 9 6 4 3 2 1 N/A
Range also affects the damage Inflicted, Short range +4 Damage A+,+2 A, +1 B/C class hits, Long range -1 Damage A+ to C class hits.

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Galaxy Fleet wars Standard Edition Alpha 1.01 ©A.C.Lawton 2014

Damage Effects -
 When a vessel's Hull DP is reduced to its crippled level it can no longer move in Phase 1 or fire in Phase 2.
 A Crippled vessels shield can only repower to half strength (rounded down).
 A Crippled vessel has its weapon class reduced by two classes to a minimum of 'F' class.
 Fighters 'F' class vessels are never crippled they are either fully functional or destroyed.
 As a vessel takes damage so its crew will take casualties, for every two HDP a vessel takes in damage it loses one MBP, for Marine
Assault vessels its one MBP per HDP (advanced).
 Crippled Vessel Tractor/grappler(advanced) systems are inactive.
 Crippled Vessel Cloak (advanced) systems are inactive.
 Crippled Vessel Science/Scout (advanced) systems are inactive.
 Crippled Vessels cannot re-arm fighters.

Lost or Destroyed Vessels (and Explosions) (p19) - Vessels can only take so much damage.
 When a vessels Hull is reduced to zero Hull DP it is lost and removed from play (no explosion) and replaced by a wreck.
 For each HDP more than Max Hull DP = 1 in 6 chance of exploding, Roll 1D6 = less than excess DP taken vessel explodes,
 modifiers -1 green engineer/science officer
+1 experienced engineer/science officer
+2 legendary engineer/science officer
a 1 always fails and a 6 always succeeds, if successful the ship becomes a hulk otherwise it explodes.
 Vessel explosion force is equal to 1D3 attacks = Hull class of exploding ship as a weapon class.
 The explosion Effects-
'F' = 0", 'E'/D = 1", 'C/B' = 2", 'A' = 3", 'A+' = 5"

Fleet Morale/Vessel Morale(p22 ) - In the End Phase Tests WHEN Squadron reduced to Half/Quarter strength, Lost Boarding action,
Attempting self destruct ion, If Fleet Admiral (C-in-C), Combat wing Vice Admiral or Squadron commodore's vessel is lost.

The Morale Test Table:

D6 Die role result Morale Effect.
2+ Squadron Ok Carry on regardless (as ordered)
1 Squadron Must withdraw* from combat next turn while assessing damage.
0 Squadron Must withdraw* from combat next two turns while assessing damage.
-1 Squadron Must withdraw* from combat next three turns while assessing damage.
-2 or less Squadron Must Flee from combat immediately leaving by nearest table edge Asap.

Modifiers (cumulative) -

 +2 Legendary Captain/Admiral.  -2 Squadron commander lost.

 +1 Experienced Captain.  -1 CIC Admiral lost.
 -1 Green Captain.  -3 Squadron at 1/4 Strength or less.
 +1 CIC Admiral Still with Fleet.  -1 Vice admiral of Combat wing lost.
 +1 Vice admiral still with Combat wing.  -2 Lone ship out of Squadron Command .
 +1 Squadron commander still Ok.  -1 Lost boarding action.
 -1 Cloaked Enemies within 8".  -2 Crew attempting self destruction
 -2 Squadron at half Strength. of ship (p35).
 -1 Squadron has more crippled.  -3 Crew attempting to Ram (p13).
Ships then undamaged ships.

Morale results -
 * Withdraw from combat means to move a full turns movement away from any enemy vessels for the number of turns required,
place a withdrawing marker by vessels, if withdrawing forces the vessels to move off the table they have disengaged from the battle
(award opponent VP for disengagement).
 After withdrawing the full number of turns required by a failed morale test the vessels may again make a morale check with any
modifiers that now apply and react as per the result of the new test.
 If any morale test is passed the Vessel/s may return to Battle in good morale, however the squadron strength will still affect further
morale checks!.
 Following a withdraw result after any subsequent morale test is passed the Vessel/s may return to Battle in good morale, The current
squadron strength is then considered to be at full strength for any further morale checks! (what Diehards).
 A vessel attempting self destruction that fails its test surrenders.
 If a squadron loses a Squadron commodore once it passes a morale test a new squadron leader is assigned, this is marked on the FCS
for the fleet, only if this new commodore is lost is the modifier for squadron commander loss applied in future morale checks,
 This dosn't apply to The fleets commander in chief (C-in-C), once he/she is gone the mod applies to every morale check after the
event no new C-in C gets assigned in battle but a Vice admiral takes over overall fleet command, if no vice admiral is with the fleet a
squadron commodore is assigned to the post from the most powerful ship then in the fleet, his/her subsequent loss only counts as a
squadron commodore for subsequent fleet morale tests.
 For morale tests made due to boarding any result of less than 2+ means surrender of the vessel to the boarding force.

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Galaxy Fleet wars Standard Edition Alpha 1.01 ©A.C.Lawton 2014

Game Reference Card (Advanced Optional Rules)

A+ 4 + / 2 / 30° 5 + / 2 / N° N / 1 / N° N / 0 / N°
A-B 4 + /2 / 60° 4+ /2 / 30° 5 + / 1 / N° N / 0 / N°
C-D 3 + / 3 / 90° 4 + / 2 / 60° 4+ / 1 / 30° 5 + / 1 / N°
E-F 3 + / 4 / 120° 3 + / 3 / 90° 4 + / 2 / 60° 4 + / 1 / 30°

Modifiers (cumulative) -
 +1 Target Not Moving/Halted. N = Not possible tractor is too weak to be effective.
 +1 Already Grappled/Tractored.
 -1 In Lower Orbit/Upper Atmosphere.  A vessel may attempt to use its Grapples or
 -1 LOS passes through another. Tractor/Repulsor beams to hold or attack any vessel that
Ship or ships base area. it approaches to within 4" or less.
 +2 Grappler is legendary gunner. (advanced)  A vessel may attempt to use its Grapples or
 +1 Grappler is experienced gunner. (advanced) Tractor/Repulsor beams to hold or attack any vessel that
-1 Grappler is a Green gunner. (advanced) approaches it to within 4" or less.
 -2 Target ship has Legendary Science officer. (advanced)  If either case above applies and the vessel wishes to
 -1 Target ship has Experienced Science officer. (advanced) tractor/grapple the vessel consult the "Grappler &
 +1 Target ship has Green Science officer. (advanced) Tractor/Repulsor capture table".

BOARDING ACTIONS (p34):. BAR Result- Winner inflicts the difference between the two
Boarding actions are fought in boarding action rounds (BARS) players die rolls as casualties to the Losers MBP.
until one side is a clear winner.  If defender has no MBP Vessel captured.
Each player Assigns MBP to the action and roles 1d6 adding the  If defender has one MBP may attempt to Self
following modifiers. destruct.
 +2 Legendary Captain.  If the Attacker has no MBP defender may counter
 +1 Experienced Captain. board and if attacker has no MBP On attacking ship
 -1 Green Captain. it is Captured.

SILENT RUNNING AND CLOAKS (p27): Hidden vessel detection ranges are-
For every silent running or cloaked ship place 3 sensor ghost if hidden ship is A+ 8", A/B 6", C/D 4", E/F 2"
markers and remove the vessels model, one ghost is recorded If detector is scout range x 1.5
as the vessel if a vessel comes within detection range it is If detector is science ship range x 2
revealed and paced back on the table. Revealed ships maybe fired on (see full rule)


 Each turn during Movement any vessel that passes MADS Striking Striking
through the area marker of a MADS has a chance of being Class hits per attack hits per attack
attacked.. A 1D3 1
 MADS must first detect enemy vessel. B 1D3 1
 Roll a regular attack +2 (or no bonus detecting a cloaked C 1D3 1
 Success = MADS attacks vessel, Failure= vessel ignored.  MADS always fire at maximum strength against all vessels
 If MADS attacks roll again to hit, there are no modifiers including fighters.
except for the regular -2/-3 for targeting vessels with  Any to hit roll of a straight '1' depletes the MADS and its
active cloaking shields. marker is removed from play.
 On a hit roll for the number of damaging hits listed for the
MADS based on MADS type, All the hits strike in one
attack role! then roll for shield penetration for each hit .

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Galaxy Fleet wars Standard Edition Alpha 1.01 ©A.C.Lawton 2014

Game Reference Card. Repairs/Terrain effects (Basic/Advanced)

Vessel repair (Advanced rule p36 )
All ships have highly trained damage repair crews who will do their utmost to keep their vessel in action to simulate this in advanced game
during the end Phase of each turn all non crippled ships may attempt a repair role.

For Vessels Hull class A+ to B role 1D6 For Vessels Hull class C to E role 1D6
 On a '6' three HULL DP are repaired.  On a '6' two HULL DP is repaired.
 On a '5' two HULL DP is repaired.  On a '5' one HULL DP is repaired.
 On a '1' one HULL DP is inflicted  On a '1' one HULL DP is inflicted
something went wrong and the something went wrong and the
Plasma injectors ruptured!. mess hall is on fire!.

Engine repair to repair damage received from Flank speed burn outs roll 1d6 for All classes
 On a '6' two speed points are repaired.
 On a '5' one speed point is repaired.
 On a '1' "Klank, Krunch, chugga, klunk" something went Really wrong and the main
Plasma injectors ruptured, or the Neutronium pile shut down, the vessel is now drifting! it may not move unless towed and is
reduced to zero speed requiring a space dock to fix!

Repair tenders, Orbital & Mobile repair docks

Any vessel docked at an orbital repair dock Crippled or not gains 1D6 extra repairs per repair level the Tender / Dock possesses (up to 6D6)
each End phase the vessel is moored or docked.

Crippled vessels can only be repaired if docked to a Repair tender or in an Orbital or Mobile Repair dock unless manned by a legendary
crew who are so good they can fix almost any damage, in either case role 1D6 extra for repairs for each repair level the Tender or Dock

 On a '6 ', one HDP is repaired (for all but legendary crews, legendary repair tender/dock crews repair two HULL DP).
 A crippled ship CAN NOT be repaired beyond the max crippled DP for its hull class during a game except by a legendary crew then
the maximum is 1/2 of the vessels normal HDP.

To undock a vessel simply moves away from the vessel or station to which it was docked or tractored, in the move phase it undocks it is
limited to half speed unless piloted by an experienced helmsman when it can move at 3/4 speed or a legendary helmsman at full speed!.

Terrain effects:
Asteroid Collisions (p44).
 Vessels moving in or through Asteroids are likely to suffer  Fighters only check if moving more than half speed
damage, for every inch a vessel moves role 1d6, apply any through Asteroids. and then for every 3.5".
damage received to the vessels shield DP first.
Asteroid Collisions. Roll1d6
 +1 moving in Dense Asteroids.
 +2 Hull class 'A' or higher. D6 Die role EFFECT
 +2 Hull class 'B' or higher. result
 +1 Green Helmsman. (Advanced) 6+ 2DP
 -1 Legendary Helmsman. (Advanced)
5 1DP
 -1 Hull class 'C' or less.

Star Effects (p42) End Phase each turn to all vessels not in standard orbit of the star -

 All vessels within 12" of the star move 4" directly towards  All vessels within 24" of the Star move 2" directly towards
its centre and are destroyed if the cross onto the stars its centre if not in Standard orbit. .
area marker.  All vessels more than 24" away from the Star are safe (for
 All vessels within 18" of the Star move 3" directly towards now).
its centre if not in Standard orbit.

Blackhole Effects (p43) End Phase the following Effects apply -

 All vessels within 8" of the Black hole move 8" directly towards its centre (and get crushed so don't end a turn within 6" of a Black
 All vessels within 16" of the Black hole move 6" directly towards its centre.
 All vessels within 24" of the Black hole move 4" directly towards its centre.
 All vessels within 32" of the Black hole move 2" directly towards its centre.
 Vessels more than 32" away from the black hole are safe (for now).

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