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Juan Pablo Yunda

English level 7

Galileo Galilei

Galileo was born when Catholicism was really radical. He was a math teacher at the university. One of

his students told him about a new invention that was used to observe distant objects. Galileo invented

the telescope based on that invention and broke a lot of misconceptions and paradigms. He discovered

that some planets have moons that orbit around those planets. Therefore, he proposed that Earth was

not the center of the universe. Instead, Earth was orbiting the Sun the same way the Moon orbits Earth.

He was the first one who observed the sun spots breaking the idea that the Sun is perfect. Obviously,

these observations brought him problems with the Inquisition. He also invented the Scientific Method

that consists on approving a theory based on experimental evidence. The Scientific Method has changed

the way of science in the Middle Age and now it is responsible of the most amazing inventions.

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