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Selfieometry by: Lauren Angus

1 - The grooves on the wall are parallel lines. Parallel lines never intersect.
2 - The flower pot forms a circle, which have an angle of 360 degrees.

3 - The railing slats form same side interior angles and when added together they equal 180 degrees.
4 - The bricks are rectangles that have equal opposite sides and congruent right angles.
5 - The light post forms two right triangles. Right triangles have one right angles and two acute angles.
6 - The stop sign makes a regular polygon which has congruent angles and sides.
7 - The sidewalk makes a parallelogram. Parallelograms have parallel opposite sides.
8 - The parking lot marker makes a line segment. Line segments are straight lines that have two end points.
9 - The no parking lines form alternate interior angles. Alternate interior angles are congruent.
10 - The playground bars form vertical angles, which are congruent.
11 - The jungle gym bars form corresponding angles, which are congruent.
12 - The glass on the door forms right angles, which are exactly 90 degrees.
13 - The basketball court lines form a diameter. A diameter is a straight line that connects two sides of a circle, while crossing
through the middle of a circle.
14 - The fence forms alternate exterior angles. Alternate exterior angles are congruent.
15 - The basketball hoop forms an a acute angle. Acute angles have a degree less than 90.

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