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If the C3+ software is being installed on a non-supported, computer,

install the Nissan_Consult_III__Plus_Toughbook_Crack.reg first.

3. Install Consult 3+ v66.10.
4. Install Pplus_V55.1F and then Pplus_V55.2 (Reprogramming files)
5. Use your Consult 3+ interface or modify the Diagnosticstool.ini (C:\CONSULT-
) for your Passthru device.
6. Enjoy!

For ford VCMII
Install the consult 3 plus
Change diagnostictool.ini file in Nissan instalation folder
Install your VCMII Manager and drivers.
In passhru 4.04 in reg edit and rename NISSAN_VI2 To something else
change name Bosch Ford-VCM-II to NISSAN_VI2
Reboot computer and test it

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