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Nicolas Carrillo

ERWC p.1
Mrs. Woelke
19, February 2018

During my four years of high school, the pieces of work I would say I am
most proud of are certain essays I have constructed and my Socratic
seminar scores. Since my freshman year I have written some surprisingly
good essays, in particular anessayabout whether or not we should keep the
US penny as a part of our currency. My Socratic seminar grades have
improved a large amount as well, I used to hate talking about issues to my
peers and rebuttling their statements but now I am much more comfortable.
Before I would only say a few points to ensure a passing grade but now I
love to speak my voice. I find Socratic seminars extremely fun due to the
debating and conversing that occurs, it’s like a friendly debate that we can
all go into depth and elaborate on each others opinions and even challenge
In my English grades I have grown a large amount in my essay scores.
Since my freshman year I have grown a lot yes but I noticed since my
freshman year I have learned how to construct my essays in a more
advanced and efficient manner.
Although I am proud about how far I have come I believe there is still room
for improvement. For starters I have always had difficulty scoring high in
the section of I plan to work on these sections after high school to ensure I
do not struggle later in the future.
I feel Great oak has prepared me for the next chapter in my life with the
many rigorous courses I have taken and the challenges I have overcome.
Although I like the way the necessary classes are set up through credits I
feel they can make some space for taking more electives. Making space for
more electives will give students more of an idea of what they would like to
do in college and if going straight into the work force more experience they
will need for their daily lives. for electives will allow students to get more
exposure in different classes of their choice to possibly give them an idea
of what they would like to do in the future. Luckily I figured out what i would
like to major in the end of my junior year and decided to take a Kinesiology
class to really see if I wanted to pursue this in the future. Although I took
this class I felt if I could have had more room in previous years I could have
sparked my interest earlier and taken the proper classes such as Health
and Anatomy to help in college.

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