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UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS, ed UNISA Issn PLS2601 (475668) MayiJune 2015 CRITICAL REASONING Duration 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST Ms M KHOS! DR cD SCOTT PROF MES VAN DEN BERG SECOND PROF MCLOETE PROF P MUNGWINI Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This question paper consists of 18 pages, which include instructions for the comple of a mark-reading sheet. This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination room Please complete the attendance register on the back page, tear it off and hand it to the invigilator PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE ANSWERING THE QUESTION PAPER. This paper 1s a multiple-choice examination paper containing 50 questions Answer all the questions For each question, identify the one correct answer and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate mark-reading answer sheet Each question counts 2 (two) marks, for a total of 100 marks You are required to return your question paper together with your completed mark-reading sheet. 1 PLS2601 May/June 2014 Why 1s it important to critically examine the ways in which we engage with the world? 1) Because cnitical reasoning 1s a means in which we are able accept all information as true 2) Because the world in which we live 1s aimed at manipulating us and all the information given to us 1s false 3) Because the way in which we behave and the decisions we make are based on subjective interpretations of other people and the world 4) Because entical reasoning skills are the means in which we are able to show why our beliefs are always true If practicing cntical reasoning means going beyond acquinng knowledge and reasoning skills then what would its ultimate goal be? 1) Being able to prove why your arguments are always true even if you know the basis for your claims are false 2) Being able to acquire knowledge and cnitical reasoning skills 1s the only goal of critical reasoning 3) Critica! reasoning functions to show that all arguments can be proven to be based on truth, 4) To apply knowledge and critical reasoning skills wisely in our evaluation of claims 3 Chtical reasoning entails the skills to (a) recognise problems (b) question assumptions, values and motives (0) analyse arguments (@) clanfy and interpret data and ideas (e) evaluate arguments (f judge the acceptability and soundness of clams Which of the above aspects are correct? 1) Allof the above PLS2601 May/June 2014 2) (a), (b), (0), (dl), (FY 3) All of the above except (a) 4) (a), (), (@), (e) and (f) Why should entical reasoning not be considered the same as formal logic? 1) Because formal logic allows for questioning the truth claims of premises 2) They should actually be considered the same because both focus on the ways mn which arguments are structured 3) Because cntical reasoning focuses on the quality of arguments in the sense that it also establishes the soundness of clams 4) They should actually be considered the same because both allow us to be critical of the information we receive from our daily experiences By reflecting on an argument, which of the following 1s taken into account in critical reasoning (i) That statements have meaning as statements and as courses of action (u) That statements also have an emotive side with the result that language 1s seldom impersonal and value free (un) To be aware how prejudice can also influence reasoning and how one must be sensitive to different pomnts of view 1) None of the above as enitical reasoning only focuses on the structure of arguments 2) Allof the above 3) Only (1) and (1) because individual prajudices do not influence our analysis of arguments 4) Only (Wi) and (1) because what we do in entical reasoning Is of little or no consequence in ‘our search for truth Thinking for yourself is an important component of chitical reasoning skills because 1) ttrequires questioning of the world around you and challenging the authonty of others

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