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Lesson Plan


DATE: 21.03.2014

No. Of Students: 8

Level: 3rd grade.

Time: 50 Minutes.

Lesson Title: This is her home.

Lesson Type: Vocabulary

General Skills: 1. Understanding oral short oral messages.

2. Producing short oral or written sentences.

3. Achieving interaction in oral communication.

Operational Skills:

a. Identifying rooms in a house.

b. Naming the rooms of a house in English.
c. Objects with the rooms where they can be found.
d. Making short sentences with the newly acquired words.
e. Reading a short text and identifying key words.

Expected Knowledge:
The students’ knowledge from previous lessons.
The students’ own life experience.
Stages of the Lesson:

I. Organizational Stage: The teacher asks what students are missing and checks the
assignments the students had to do for this class. Time allocated: 5 minutes.

II. Introduction: The teacher asks several questions about previously studied
content and explains the lesson’s aims and what skills they will develop during the lesson. Then
he asks the students to open their course books at page 36. The title of the lesson is written on the
blackboard and in the students’ notebooks.
The purpose of this stage is to focus the students’ attention to the lesson and to refresh
their memories so that they can use previously acquired knowledge.
Materials needed: Blackboard, chalk, Firm Steps course book, students’ notebooks.
Time allocated: 5 minutes.

III. Language acquisition Stage: At the beginning of this stage, the teacher gives
students handouts with an excerpt from the novel “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer, containing the
description of a house. The teacher reads the text in front of the class and the students must
follow reading individually from their handouts. After this phase, the teacher proceeds to explain
the names of the various rooms a house contains. The words are written down, translated and
repeated out loud.1
After the names of all the rooms are given, the teacher asks guiding questions about
the objects which are to be found in each room of the house. The objects’ names are explained,
written down, translated and correlated to the rooms containing them.

Materials used: handouts, blackboard, chalk, students’ notebooks, Firm Steps course

Time allocated: 25 minutes.

IV. Language in Use. Consolidation Stage: This stage of the lesson is crucial,
because during it students must work individually or in pairs, as the teacher decides, in order to
solve tasks in which they use the newly acquired knowledge.
Students are to solve exercises 2 and 3 from page 36 in the course book in writing,
and their answers are checked by the teacher orally. 2
Students are given more exercises of diverse types to solve.

The teacher exploits the students’ own knowledge during this phase, making them active participants in the
learning-teaching process, in order to achieve a superior education and avoid instilling boredom in the students.
If additional aid is needed, the teacher will provide it using explanations and concrete examples.
The teacher checks the students’ answers and praises or provides additional
explanations when necessary.
*Should there remain time, the teacher and students use the laptop and video
projector to check their knowledge in the educative game “Lolek and Bolek learn English”
Materials used: blackboard, chalk, Firm Steps course book, students’ notebooks *laptop,
video projector.
Time allocated: 20 minutes.

V. Conclusion of the lesson and giving individual assignments: The teacher

praises the students’ activity in class and gives them as homework to write a short text about two
rooms of their own home and objects found there.

Teaching Strategies: It is important that the teacher has an open and friendly
attitude in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process in class.

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