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Lab1 cooling tower

In this experiment, effect of water volumetric flowrate changing are determined by initial temperature of water
are fixed at 60 C then exchange heat with ambient air. From results in Table1 can observe that the first experiment
which have volumetric flowrate of inlet water higher than second experiment, can reduce temperature of water from
33C to 27 C. By the way, second experiment can reduce temperature of water from 31C to 27c only.

If water slowly pump to cooling tower that means the air can take long time to transfer heat with water for
reducing water temperature.

One thing that was learned was to always make sure the system is running at steady state before collecting data.
If it is not at steady state, the different measurements that are being made are continually changing. When these
numbers are used in calculations, they do not work like they should because everything in the system was

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