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1) One explanation is that adversity, like necessity, breeds inventiveness.

2) The best-kept secret is that we all live and die by the work of our Israeli

3) Another commonly cited factor in Israel�s success is the country�s military and
defense industry, which has produced successful
spin-off companies.

4) The answer, we contend, must be broader and deeper. It must lie in the stories
of individual entrepreneurs like Shai Agassi,
which are emblematic of the state itself. As we will show, it is a story
not just of talent but of tenacity, of insatiable
questioning of authority, of determined informality, combined with a
unique attitude toward failure, teamwork, mission, risk,
and cross-disciplinary creativity. Israel is replete with such stories.
But Israelis themselves have been too busy building
their start-ups to step back and try to stitch together how it happened
and what others�governments, large companies, and
start-up entrepreneurs�can learn from their experience

5) High-growth entrepreneurship

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