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The Relation Between Internal and External Factor With Teenagers Behavior of Consuming Alcoholic

Beverages In Ciracas District

Consuming alcoholic beverages is one of a threats for teenagers future. But unfortunately this
matter is mostly done by teenagers in Indonesia. This research aims to identify the relation between
internal and external factor with teenagers behavior of consuming alcoholic beverages in Ciracas
district. The design of this research is used cross sectional technic. With a total populations of 93
respondents, the result shows there is a significant relation between internal factor (stress and
attitude) with alcoholic beverage consumption behavior (p-values stress 0,001 and p-value attitude
0,001). And also external factor have a relation with the result (p-family 0,000 and p-society 0,001).
Advice for the people is to more control the teenagers related many of consume alcoholic beverages
behavior and to give them some space for doing positive activities such as learn religion knowledge
and establish youth organizations.

Keyword: Stress, attitude, family, society, behavior of consume alcoholic beverages. Literature: 21

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