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The ONLY 8 scales you need to know

Jazz scales simplified - These are the only 8 scales I've practiced systematically
By Gjermund Sivertsen

1 &c œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ
The diatonic scale - Practice in all 12 keys

& œ bœ nœ bœ nœ bœ nœ ˙
2 œ bœ nœ bœ nœ
The chromatic scale - Practice in just 1 key

3 &œ œ œ œ w
The pentatonic scale - Practice in 12 keys

bœ ˙
4 &œ bœ œ #œ œ
The Blues scale - Practice in the key of C, F, G, Bb (and maybe Eb) - In total: 4 (5) keys

bœ bœ ˙
5 &œ œ œ bœ
The Whole-tone scale - Practice in just 2 keys

bœ nœ œ w
6 &œ œ bœ œ bœ
The Diminished scale (Whole step-Half step) - Practice in only 3 keys

bœ œ œ
7 &œ œ bœ œ œ
The Harmonic Minor scale - Practice in 12 keys

8 &œ œ œ œ œ
œ bœ œ
The melodic minor scale - Practice in 12 keys


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