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Espiritu, Mahalia

Watkins Pd 6

Where I’m From

I am from libraries
From powdered sugar and Cinnamon Toast Crunch
I am from the dust that collects under the couch
(Small, fuzzy, it tickles my nose and makes me sneeze)
I am from Forget-Me-Nots,
The “scorpion grass” whose vibrant colors never fail
to capture my attention and steal my heart
I’m from jumping when the ball drops and obnoxious singing
From Larry and Z
I’m from the playing of games and family sing-a-longs
From “Books make you smart” and “Love your brothers no matter what”
I’m from jelly donuts after church on holidays and early morning
family breakfasts on Sunday
I’m from Espiritu and the Sadlers, Papa’s sesame seed treats and eating ube
straight out of the jar.
From the brief time my father was a model at 20, and from my mother raising me
almost alone at 23.
Sitting on the edge of the wall in my pocketsized house is a timeline of us, children
growing older and becoming adults,
memories trapped in massive grins and silly faces for all of eternity. From years
and decades before me I’ve lived in every single picture. From these snaps of moments
that will never be forgotten I always know wherever I go I’ll be home.

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