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Stanley Kubrick

He is a Jewish director, screenwriter and cinema productor, who was born in

New York. He grew up in the Bronx area. His passion was inculcated in his life
by his father, which taught him the photography art. This made him to be the
youngest photographer in the magazine “Look”. His career begun with the film
“Fear and Desire” that was economical supported by his uncle. He always had
the necessity to cover every aspect of his movies, beginning with the initial
idea to go into de distribution.

All of these aspects made him to be recognized as an authority and an

intransigent director. He turned into a famous character in the film art because
the censure that his movies received. Some examples are the movies “Glorious
Lands” (1957) and “A Clockwork Orange”. One of the most famous actors that
played a roll.

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