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I hear America arguing, the varied quarrels I hear,

Those of NRA members, each one arguing his sharp and piercingly,
The lawyer arguing his as he challenges laws or principles in court,
The legislator arguing his as he makes ready for debate, or recesses for thought on proposals,
The gun-owner arguing for what he has bought, the hunter arguing while sitting in the blind,
The family arguing in honor of their lost love, the brother arguing from his grief,
The administrator’s argument, the teacher’s as he carefully watches and protects his students,
The forceful arguing of youth, or of children in fear, or of students begging for safety,
Each arguing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The night what belongs to long, sleepless nights- at protests the gathering of young adults,
silent, but loud,
Arguing with open mouths their thundering, divisive quarrels.

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