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Azizah Alkhatami Tanjung

MPK Bahasa Inggris

My Opinion About Arranged Marriage

In my opinion about arranged marriage is that it is very outdated nowadays. Regardless of the
positive side of it, I still disagree with arranged marriage because I believe that a marriage should
be based on love and trust. If an arranged marriage is approved by both of the bride and the groom,
I think it’s still okay. However, the problem is that if one of the groom or the bride or even both
of them refuse to do arranged marriage but their parents and family still force them to do that, I
can say that it is against human rights. I think that every couple who are married whether through
an arranged marriage or not, still have to find chemistry of interest, love, and harmony. I believe
that the power of love is a basis of the whole love life, because love is something that is timeless
and ever lasting.

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