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With its lush forests and exotic fauna which include the rare one horned rhino, the Royal Bengal
tiger, crocodiles, elephants, deer and over four-hundred species of birds, the Royal Chitwan
National Park offers one of the finest wildlife experience in Asia. Lying in the Terai belt,
encompassed by the Churia Hills and flanked by he Rapti, Reu and Narayani rivers, the park
covers an area of 932 sq. km. It was established in 1973 and is the oldest National Park in Nepal.
The park became a World Heritage Site in 1984.

During the late 19th century, Chitwan was the private hunting reserve of the Rana Prime
Ministers. In 1911, King George V led a hunting party to Chitwan and is said to have shot thirty-
seven tigers and eight rhinos. Between 1933 and 1940, the King and his guests, is said to have
killed four hundred and thirty-three tigers and fifty-three rhinos. By the late 1960s the population
of rhinos and tigers in Chitwan had dwindled drastically due to indiscriminate hunting and
poaching. The declaration of Chitwan as a national park in1973 and the imposition of strict
measures against poaching and unauthorized conversion of forest to farmland have helped in
increasing the wildlife population. At present Chitwan National Park is regarded as one of the
most developed and most frequently visited of Nepal¶s national parks.

The park¶s vegetation is dominated by sal forest, open grassland sand riverine vegetation. There
are also flowering species of trees like the sissoo, silk cotton tree and flame of the forest. These
trees bloom from January to early spring and fill the forest with their colorful flowers. The tall
elephant grass dominates the grass grassland and gives it a savanna like appearance.

The park is the home of the great one- horned Indian rhino, the world¶s third largest land
mammal. They feed large on grass which is also their normal habitat and move alone or in
groups. The elephants seen frequently at the park are trained and tamed. The tamed elephants are
used for elephant rides as well as to carry heavy loads in Chitwan . The Royal Bengal tiger, the
most glamourous and elusive of Chitwan¶s animals, is estimated to number just about a hundred
in Chitwan. They are by nature reclusive and do not attack unless provoked or hunting for food.
There are four different species of deer living in the park - the barking deer, the hog deer, the
sambar deer and the spotted deer. Over 400 different birds have been recorded here, including
the Indian peafowl, the tuneful blackheaded oriole and the openbill stork. The park¶s rivers and
the swampy areas are home to various reptiles like the pythons, crocodiles, called gharial, which
feeds on fishes and the marsh mugger. The common leopard, langur and rhesus monkey also
make up the park¶s wildlife population.


The greatest thrill while at Chitwan is the traditional elephant ride. Taking an elephant ride to the
jungle is an experience not to be missed. The lodges inside the park have their own elephants.
Three or sometimes four people can ride atop an elephant. Elephant safaris usually start in the
early morning or late afternoon .There are also jeep tours available inside the park. The best
months for this are from mid-February when the elephant grass has been cut, allowing
unobstructed views. It is also possible to take a walk inside the park, provided you are
accompanied by at least two guides. Canoeing along the Rapti or Narayani rivers is the most
restful way of watching the wildlife especially the acquatic birds and crocodiles. Several lodges
arrange visits to nearby Tharu villages. Tharus, the original inhabitants of Chitwan, have their
own culture, language and customs which are quite different from that of the Nepalese hill
people. A visit to the elephant breeding camp and the gharial breeding centre can also prove to
be informative.

The best time to visit the park from October to February. Many of the park lodges are closed
between May to August, the rainy season.

At Chitwan, you can stay inside the park. A variety of lodges are available, from multi-starred to
basic but comfortable. There are no campgrounds for campers inside the park. Budget travelers
can stay at Sauraha, a nearby village that has some higher end accommodations as well. Meals
are provided either by the lodges, or you can have something at the restaurant.


It is a pleasant scenic 5-6 hours drive by a tourist coach or a private vehicle from Kathmandu on
the Prithivi Highway along the banks of the Trisuli River. En route you drive past several
traditional Tharu villages and eventually reach the pickup point at fringe of national park from
where you will be escorted by a Safari Jeep to your Safari Lodge.

It is a 20-minute pleasant flight from Kathmandu to Bharatpur airport (near Royal Chitwan
National Park). Up on arrival at Bharatpur air strip, a representative from the Safari Lodge you
are booked in will escort you on a Safari Jeep to Chitwan National Park.


Explore Himalaya organizes a day rafting trip to three on 2-4 class Trishuli River. You can
combine rafting trip and Chitwan Wildlife tours. After concluding rafting trip near Chitwan
National park border it is further 2 hrs (approx) drive to the park.

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The itineraries and activities of the Chitwan and the Bardia national parks are almost similar in
character, but activities may vary between seasons. The number and course of your safari
activities are determined by the number of nights you book for. Two nights - three days
programs could include activities like Elephant back safari, jungle walk, bird watching, dugout
canoe rides on the river and a visit to the elephant briefing. In the evening a cultural show of the
traditional Terai dances are a must. By booking three nights ± four days program you could add
up a few more specialized excursions like a jungle jeep drive and a visit to the elephant breeding
centre. Unlike African animals, those in Chitwan tend to be rather solitary and shy, but the
chances of seeing most of the species are very good, owing to the experience of the local guides
and the fine vantage point from the back of an elephant. Indeed, these elephant rides are an
attraction in themselves and there are also boat trips arranged to see the crocodiles and dolphins.
To further enhance your jungle experience and add to the trill and excitement, a stay in one of
the lodges in the parks will give you a memorable holiday of a lifetime.



$ ()
Arrival and welcome
Briefing by the Lodge manager
1300 ....... Lunch
1530 ........ Elephant ride/nature walk/visit to observation tower
1830 ........ Slide show/Tharu stick dance
1900 ........ Dinner

$ (*
0530 ........ Wake up call
0545 ........ Tea/Coffee
0600 ........ Elephant ride/bird watching
0800 ........ Breakfast
0900 ........ Canoe ride/elephant briefing / swimming and bath
1300 .......Lunch
1500 ........ Elephant ride / nature walk / visit to observation tower / Canoe ride
1830 ........ Tharu Stick Dance/slide show
1930 ........ Dinner

$ (+
0530 ........A.M. Wake up call
0545 ........ Tea/Coffee
0600 ........ Bird watching/elephant ride
0800 ........ Breakfast
0900 ........ Elephant briefing/swimming and bath/Canoe ride
1300 .....,.. Lunch
1530 ........ Jungle drive/elephant ride/Canoe ride
1830 ........ Slide show/Tharu stick dance
1900 ........ Dinner

$ (,
Morning free for packing.
8:00 A.M. Breakfast
9:00 ........ Departure from the lodge

Neutral colored clothing is recommended.
Light clothing is needed for day time with a sweater and warm jacket for the evenings from
November to March.
Pants / Trousers are recommended for elephant safari.
Comfortable walking shoes, sun hat, sunglasses etc. are essential. Insect repellent and personal
medical requirements should be carried.
It is highly recommended to travel light with only one small suitcase or duffle bag.
During the warmer months swimming suits are recommended.
A Small flash light is recommended.
Binoculars add greatly to your enjoyment for bird and wildlife viewing.
(In case of rafting and Jungle Safari tour combination please visit µrafting in Nepal¶ section for
more details on Rafting and its essential information



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