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Anatomy of Ovary

* only structure in ab/pelvis cavity that is EXTRA PERITONEAL

General Info:
surface covered w. germinal epithelium, which is modified peritoneal covering from

Location: in ovarian fossa, in post part of broad ligament, @ lat wall of pelvis, located @
bifurcation point of common iliac a on both sides, @sacro-iliac joint

Blood Supply: ovarian a (contained w/in suspensory ligament of ovary)

has ovarian and tubal br that make anatomosis w/ ovarian br/tubal br of uterine a

Venous drainage:

* veins draining ovary make a pampiniform plexus (like the one around the testis), that
run w/in broad ligament
* Ovarian v – R –> IVC
* L –> L renal v

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