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September 28, 2017 To whom it may concern, My name is Jaimne Brawn, and I am a Biology teacher at Seymour High School. Tam ‘wniting this letter on behalf of a Seymour High School student, Trent Hohenstreiter ‘Trent is a-very good student, who goes above and beyond what is expected of him in the slassroom and in his community. Trent is an active member in several clubs and activities at Seymour High School. He has been elected to Student Government for four years, and has worked hard to contribute to the positive climate and culture of the student body. He has currently been elected the senior class President. He has helped in planning and organizing events and activities for the whole student body. As a sub-cornmittee of Smdent Government, Trent and his family have taken a very active role in organizing and running the Seymour High Schoo Dance Marathon. This group of dedicated students and community members help to raise moncy ta donate to Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. Throughout the year, they create and run fundraisers in the community and school, such as the baked potato bar before ballgames, car washes in the community, they held a community bake sale outside of Walmart, and they have been passing the bucket at the ballgames, Without adding this year’s fuéraising totals added in, the Seymour High School Dance Marathon has raised over $18,000 for the Children's Hospital ‘Trent has been an active member of FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) for the past four years, and has held a leadership position for three years, He has also been a member of the Chess Club for four years, and is currently the president of the club. He is also a member of the Show Choir. All clubs at SHS are community service-hased clubs. They participate and organize activities such as, canned food drives, community clean-up, and fundraisers for charities. ‘Trent has been a member of the Track and Cross Country team for his entire High Schoo! career. He has been a three time semi-state qualifier for Cross Country, and part of the first team to win conference. In track, he has been a 2 time sectional champion, 2 time regional qualifier in 4 x 800 meter relay, and a regional qualifier in the 800 meter race. He has also been a varsity athlete on our swimming team for the past two years, He has been chosen to be a representative on the Student Athletic Board for the past two years for Cross Country Not only is Trent an active member of clubs and organizations at SHS, but he is also an academic asset t0 our school. He has been a member of National Honor Society for two years. His choice of courses is very rigorous, and often includes Accelerated, Honors and AP courses. Trent works very hard in the classroom, and has achieved Honor Roll status every semester since 2014 while at Seymour High School, Last school year, Trent was chosen to attend MMIA (Molecular Medicine in Action). Only 50 kids in the state get selected and he got hands on experience in the labs at Riley Children’s Hospital. He is currently the science department assistant for the last 90 minutes of the day. He works to organize the labs and storage rooms, assist the teachers with setting up and tearing down labs. He bas been a huge asset to the science department this semester Outside of school, Trent finds time for volunteering, being an active member of his church, and has gotten a job. Trent has been an active volunteer {or the Salvation Army, Relay for Life collecting money for his brother’s team, the Anchor House stocking shelves and unloading shipment trucks, for the Special Olympics, he helped with renovations at the local town muscum with the cross country team, and he continues to help with the Inclusion Revolution at our high school. Trent also works at the Owlrazous Radio station as a co-host radio show where they give local announcements, talk sports, and play classic rock music, He also has worked his way up as a manager ata local ice cream shop where he has worked for the past twe summers. Socially, ‘Trent is a wonderful young man! Trent is active with his farnily and friends. He 1s very generous, and as you can sce, he is conscientious about helping those in need, and others who are in his community, I hays gotten to know Trent and his family well over the past four years, and have had the pleasure of watching him grow and mature into the wonderful student and young man he is today! Ifyou have any questions about Trent, please feel free to contact me. My number is 812-525-2857. Thank vou so much for your time! jaime Brown, Seymour High School Science Department Sincerely,

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