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By Josiah Johnson

Student ID: 150056497

a. The Salient stakeholders of Grenfell tower

1. The survivors

The survivors are stakeholders because they were directly affected by the disaster. Some of the
survivors sustained injuries some severe and others less severe. The disaster itself is an
experience that is certain to have changed the lives of the previous resident who were fortunate to
survive the fire. Some of the decisions made by the government and other governing boards in
the aftermath of the Grenfell fire in order to prevent the occurrence from happening again will
involve testimonies from people who lived through the disaster. Tenants who raised alarm of the
safety of the residents will provide substantial information about some of how the incident may
be avoided. As a group their calls for concern will be followed by immediate response from key
authorities such as the local council and the Government.

2. Local community

The event will certainly have a major effect on the local community. The local community will
certainly contain friends and families of people who were victims of the fire. Through activism
and protest the local community has substantial amount of power to ensure people who they feel
are directly responsible whether the cause was through negligence are held accountable. Similar
to the survivors, as a group their calls for concern will be followed by immediate response from
key authorities such as the local council and the Government.

3. Public Inquiry
The Grenfell Public inquiry is tasked with examining the circumstances leading up to the fire.
The main objective is to identify and evaluate the key facts in relation to the event and to ensure
the disaster does not occur again. The inquiry will make use of the feedback from the local
community and survivors and may a significant impact on key decisions taken within the
community affected by the disaster. They inquiry’s report will be the official source of detail
about the events of the fire.
4. The Media

The media has a powerful effect on the narrative of the Grenfell Tower fire. Unless a person is a
direct witness to the event, their knowledge about the event in most likely through media sources
such as the internet, the newspapers or television. The information provided by an established
and trusted national news channel such as the BBC plays a key role in how people perceive the

5. Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

The Kensington and Chelsea council are directly responsible for well being of any of the areas
which fall under its borough. Their accounts of their decision’s in the lead up to the fire is
important to the inquiry. The council has the power to enforce the feedback received by the
enquiry as well as from other key authorities such as the government and the united nations.

6. The Grenfell Action Group

This is a group tasked with representing the local community as well the lease owners and
landlords of in the tower. They work with a significant number of organisations and groups within
the community such as Lancaster West Residents Association, Grenfell Tower Leaseholders
Association, Lancaster West Estate Management Board amongst other groups. The are salient
By Josiah Johnson
Student ID: 150056497

stakeholders as they represent the local community and therefore have power, their position is
legitimate since they will include people directly affected by the fire. Following the backlash
about their concerns falling on death ears, their feedback will most likely be attended to urgently.

7. Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation

They were the largest tenant management organisation in England and were responsible for
managing the Estate which included the Grenfell Tower and therefore feedback about their
management structure and process will play a key role in the aftermath of the disaster.
8. London Mayor
The Mayor is responsible for making key decisions on behalf of the people of London which
directly affects Chelsea and Kensington Council.

9. The UK government

The is the central government of the UK and is one of the most powerful entities in the United
Kingdom. The have been voted in by the UK resident to make legislations through parliament.

10. Justice4Grenfell
Justice4Grenfell is a community-led organisation representing bereaved families, survivors,
evacuated residents and the wider local community and will be part of the enquiry and therefore
their account will pay a key role in the outcome of the enquiry.

b. Actions of the Contracting Company and government Policies over the next 12 months

- This event will have been extremely damaging to the reputation of the refurbishment
contractor. Particularly due to the cause of the fire spreading around the building
being traced to a recently installed cladding. Witness accounts stated the fire spread
around the building through the external cladding. An expert on fire and explosion Dr
Roth Phylaktou from Leeds University, described the cladding as "optimum for
vertical fire spread". The contractor Rydon, had come under severe scrutiny due to
the fact the cladding used was a less fire-resistant option to the original choice with
the intention of saving around £300,000.

One of the expected changes for the contractor would be to cease using the cladding
that was responsible for causing the spread of fire particularly because if the same
issue accident were to occur on a different occasion the company’s reputation could
be further damaged. The company will also improve its fire safety policy and
introduce more internal safety regulations when choosing cost saving materials. The
steps taken to avoid the occurrence of the disaster is vital for the company’s PR and
demonstration of social responsibility particularly, in anticipation of the enquiry
where its responsibility for the fire will be under scrutiny.

In addition, to ingratiate itself within the public eye the company will show full
support for the public enquiry and investigation when asked by the press about the
By Josiah Johnson
Student ID: 150056497

Grenfell fire but will avoid commenting extensively on the disaster to avoid being
associated it in the public. The company may also be preparing itself for the
possibility of lawsuits against them from the councils they completed work for and
the victims of the incident.

The Government
- In addition to the implementing the findings from the inquiry the UK government and
the local council will look to avoid a repetition of this accident. Following the fire,
the cladding was tested and found to not be adequately fire resistant. They will look
to avoid the reoccurrence of the fire by imposing a more rigorous testing procedure
for building materials such as cladding or roofing or insulation.
- One of the defences made by the contracting company Rydon is that they were forced
to choose a cheaper cladding option by the Kensington and Chelsea council. I believe
this decision would be scrutinised by the enquiry as well as the British public on the
basis of sacrificing the safety of public for cheaper material. Policy makers will
ensure that councils are required to ensure the safety of its occupants are paramount
in their decision-making process whether during the procuring stage or post
procurement. This mean councils will be required to meet rigorous safety regulations
in all aspect of any construction project

c. Challenges of Demolishing the Grenfell Tower

- Social
The main social challenge will be for project managers for the demolition works to
maintain a dialogue with neighbour and to build a working relationship. Before
demolition it may be necessary to ensure the local community agree to the demolition
of tower, especially due to its social and emotional significance.
- Environmental
The environmental issue associated with the demolition may most likely be
disturbance to the peace of the local residents. The disturbance may be in the form of
noise production, smoke and dust production. This may cause residents living close
by to become frustrated about the demolition works

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