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During the process is very important to do an hormonal treatment for example, do somes laboratory

exams like Hemogram, Hepatogram,Glycemia,Creatinine,Uric acid,Proteinogram,Total cholesterol,

HDL and LDL,Triglycerides,TSH and free T4,Total and free testosterone,Prolactin,FSH,LH,HCV IgG.
Also exist grugs and some hormones named Inhibitors of gonadotrophins (analogs of
LHRH),Antiandrogens and Estrogens. But they have somes very important contraindications such as
Thromboembolic disease,Morbid obesity,Ischemic heart disease,Cerebrovascular disease,Chronic
liver disease and Hypertriglyceridemia. All these procedures must be taken into account and it is
very important to have good communication with the endocrinologist.

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