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Vila Tugenchat Archifeld vily - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (spoluprdce Lilly Reichova, Sergius Ruagenberg, Hermann John) Architeld zahrady — Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Gpoluprace Grete Millerové-Rederova) Vila - zastavéné plocha 1211m chiavni obyina G spoleGenska prostora 223m") Zahrada - wméra 6152m" Villa Tugenhat Designed by ~ Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (in cooperation with Lily Reich, Sergius Ruegenberg ‘and Hermann John) Gaiden Planner - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (in cooperation with Grete Muller Roder) The vill’s total area = 1.211sqm (the main living space and pariour cover 223 sqm.) The garden extends to 6,162 sqm. Jen nemnoho pamétek moderni architektury si mide byt tak jisto swym daisim osuciem, jako bmeénska vila Tugendhat. Ochranu pied nevhodnymi zasahy, vywvolanymi zeiména pilpadnym nepliméfenjm wyuaitim, ji skjia statut nérod! kutlurni pamdtky, umeenény v souasné dobé zopsénim do Seznamu svétovéhe kulturnino a prrodnino dédictvi UNESCO, Nemeni jsiotu jf poskytuje trvale rostouci zojem Jok veFejnosti, tak Geskych @ zahraniénich odbomniit, v prvé Fadé historikG umant, architektisi pracovniktl pamatkove péte, a oviem i péce téch, kdo ji spravuil - Muzea mésta Brn, centidinich & mistnich pamatkow/ch institut i viastnvka stavby - statutdinine mésta 8ma. Na jejich pis, nejadnou 2a Géasti zahranignich specialistd, byla jiz zvGzena koncepce generdini pamdtkové restituce wily s ddrazam 7a Jeif renabitavani jak v piivednim wanamu stavby, tok Varchitektuie, interiérach, moblliGfi a detallech (obdebné Jako Millerova vila v Proze od Adolfa Loose). Budouet vyu2it wily posta s dopinénim autentickych interlérts © wslavu z historie domu v konfextu avantgarcini architektury wv Ceské tepublice o 0 vyudovani badatelsko - informaéniho entra. Vile Tugendhat bude moci tak nejlépe napinit své posiGnt jako fala modem’ architeltury nejen pio odbainiky, Gle | pra veiejnost ceigho sveta Few monuments of modem architecture can be as much sure of their fate as the villa Tugendhat in Brno. Is satus 8 4 national cultural herilage, now reinforced by Its listing among the UNESCO Word Cultural and Natural Heritage. will protect the vila against inappropriate cecupancy and consequent undesitable aterations. No less protection Is assured by the ever rising interest of both the public 5 well as Czech and foreign specialists, fisty historians of aft, architects and staf of the Office for the Preservation of Monuments, then of course the dedication of those who ensure its administration - the Bmo City Museum, central and local conservation institutions os well as the owner of the building - the Stotutory Town of me. Frequent iscussions have taken piace. foreign speciaiiss included, concerning the cverall conservation of the vil in perlicutor its restitution, both in the original construction and also architecture, interior, furniture and detail (similar fo the Maller villa in Prague designed by Adolph Loos). The intention for the future is for the Villa, with its authentic interior, fo complement on exhibition on its history in the context of avant-garde architecture in the Czech Republic, ‘and for the development of 9 research and information centre. Villa Tugendht will then be able to fulfil the role of Gschool of modern architecture not only for experts but iso for the general public fram all over the world, LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE -Architeklura 2ogind polodenim dvou kamentt peélvé vedle sebe.” 1886 29, biezna se v Cachdch naredil v rodiné kamenika Miese syn Maria Ludwig Michael. 1900-02 Navitévoval Méstskou fkolu femesel a scutasné pracoval y diiné svéno otce. 1905. Piesidll do Berlina. 1905-1907 Zamésindn jako kresiié v Betting Uarchitekta a nébytkového designéra Bruno Paula. 1908-11 ZoGol spolupracovat s kancelsfl architelta a designéra Petera Behrense, prove v dobé, key 2de zacinall i Walter Gropius a Le Corbusier. 1911 Realizoval Perlsiv (pozdéji Fuchstvy dim ¥ Berlin Zehlendortu. 1913 Zahdjl prdci ve viastnim berlinském atelier, 1914 Po wypuknut 1. s¥étové valky povolan do armady; Binnj ve svém oboru pi stavbé mosis asinie no Bakané. 1918 Vr se Go Berlina a zapojll se v nové vanikté Wmarské republice mez avantgardni umélee Garchitekty, formulici se okole pravé vanikajicino Baunausu, skoly pro architekty a designéry ve vymaru, 1821. Ke svému jménu si piidal dive piiimeni své matky - van der Rohe = aby tim demonstroval, Ze vélka je| hodné zménila a udélala z ne jiného Glovéka, Tého? roku navrhl mj. sklendhy rnrakediap Uberlinského nadrazi na Friedtichstrasse 1923. Spoluvydavatel avantgarcinino éasopisu .G° Kteny se joko pryni vw N&mecku hidsll k modernim architeltonickym smeérim, 1924. Spoluzaloiil skupinu avantgardnich architextd Keun” (Ring), 1925. Sial se vicepresidentem Svazu némeckého ila (Werkbund der Deutschen). 1925-26 Ziska! zakGzku od némecké komunistické strony na pornnik Karle Liebknechta a Rosy Luxemburgove v Berliné (znien po ndstupu nacismu). 1927. Ve Weissenhotu ve Stuttgamu se konaia pod nézvem ,Bydlent" pruni povdleéna wystava Svozu némeckého dila. Mies van der Rohe - vecle dalfich 16 piednich evropskych architeMtu, napr. Le Corbusiera - zde piedstavil svj navrh obyingch domi a jejich zafizeni p16 kalonii Welssenhof. Tato wistava ponrvé predstawila tulire! symbioz jec- notivych povaleénych architektonickych a designér skjich proudta tendenci, pro Kterou se ad poeatku fficatich let 2zagolo vaivat oznaéeny .mezindrodni sioh’. 1928-29 Nayih némeckého pavilenu pro svétovou vistavu v Bareeloné {,Paviton Barcelona") i mobiliGie (kieslo .Bareeiona’): po ukonéeni wstavy byl pavilon rfozebrn, dines na jeho misté sto dokonald repiika z roku 1986, 1928-30 Navin o realizace vily manseit Tugendhatovjch v Bmé. Prostorova Koncepee, ace- lova konstrukce, v/oér @ pouelti materiGid (onyx, tra- veriin) vein neobvykich weenych diev (paliscndr, eben) Gi proskiené stény vyivdiejiz vily jedno 2 kiéo- wich dél svétové modemi architektury. “Architecture storts by laying hwo stones carefully next to each other” 1886. Ason, Mario Ludwig Michael was born Into the family of a stonemason Miese an 29 March in Aachen, Germany. 1900-02. He attended the Town School of Gratis ‘ond at the sare time worked in his father’s workshop. 1905. He moved to Bertin. 1905-1907 He was employed as a draughtsman in Berlin by the architect and furniture designer Bruno Paul 1908-11 He began a collaboration with the office of ‘architect and designer Peter Behrens, at the same the time os Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier started working here. 1911 He cartied out the Peris's (later called the Fuchs's) house in BerlinZehiendior. 1913 He opened his own practice in Beilin. 1914 After the outbreak of the World War |, he wos dratled into the aimy and became active In his profession, building bridges and roads in the Balkans. 1918 He returned to Berlin and became involved in the newly established Weimar Republic among the ‘avant-garde artists ond architects forming, eround the emerging Bauhaus, schools for architects ancl lesigners in Weimar. 1921 He added to his name his mother’s maiden ome - van der Rohe - to demonstrate that the war had changed him alot. made him a different man, At this tine he designed, among other things. a glass skyscraper next fo the Fiiedrichstrasse Station in Berlin, 1923 He became co-publisher of the avant-garde magazine “6”, which was the frst In Germany to stand up for the medem architectonic irends, 1924 He wos among the co-founders of a grouD of avant-garde architects called “Ring” 1925 He wos appointed vice-president of the German Work Association (Werkbund der Deutschen). 1925-26 He gained an order of the Geiman Communist party for a statue of Kail Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg in Berlin (it was destroyed atter the Nazis came into power), 1927 The first pastwar exhibition took place in Welssenhot in Stufigart under the nome ‘Housing’. Migs van der Rohe ~ next to 16 other leading European architects, including Le Corbusier = introduced his Giesign for residential houses and their furnishing for, the Weissenhot settlement. This exhibition presented for the fist time, a creative symbiosis of the individual Postwar architectonic and design trends and tendencies, known from the beginning of the 1930s 3 the “international style” 1928-29 Design of the German pavilion for the world exhibition in Barcelona ("Barcelona Pavilion”); ater the exhibition the pavilion was taken to pieces but, since 1986, a very close teplica has been standing in its place. 1928-30 Design and construction of the villa for Mr and Mis. Tugendhat in Bro. The Cenception of space, steel structure, selection and use of materials 1930. Mies se sfol feditelemn Baunausu v Desavé (ten) se sem roku 1925 piestéhoval 2 Vimar). 1933. Po ndstupu nacistis k moci by! Bauhaus wzavien, Mies pekraéovalve své pracl se studenty v Betling - Stegiiz Gen nékolik malo mésict, nez | toto pracovisté bylo nacisty uzavieno). 1934 ZuGasinil se mezingrodn! soutéze na némecky pavilon pro svétovou wstavu v Bruselu: Jano navrh nebyl vybrdn, Postupné mu byla v Némecku znemoziovana jeho architektonické piace, 1937, Emigrace do Spojenyich stétu americkych: bry po pfilezdu do USA se stal feaitelem Schoo! of Architecture na chicagském illinois Institute of Technology. V této funkel zde pracoval 3 do svého odchodu na odpedinek roku 1958. 1940. Fro svou Skolu navrhl urbanistické Feeni nového univerziining kampusu. 1944 Ziskal cmerické obeansivi 1946-50 Navrh arealizace Famsworth House v Plan v tlincis, USA. 1948-51 Nawth a reclizace Promontory Appartments v Lake Shore Drive v Chicagu. 1954-58 Navin mrakodrapu pro timy Seagram v New Vorku. Diy Miesovd pééi o materidly, mimotadnému smysiu pro proporce a extiémnimu drazu na detail je bucova pitkladnou ukazkou jeho hesia .Méné je vice”, 1959-64 Mies ziskal stavbou budovy Chicago: Federal Center pruni oficiain’ stain! zakazku od ame- tické viGdy, 1965-68 Stavba budovy Galerie 20. stoleti (soucdst Nowé nérodni galerie v Berlin). 1969 17. srpna Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ¥ Chicagu zemfel. Stavba jeho posledni budowy — pro firmu IBM v Chicagu ~ byla dekenéene roku 1971. (onyx travertine), including atypical rere wood (aca fonda, ebony) and the glass walls make the willa one of the key masterpieces of world madem architecture, 1930. Mies was appointed director of Bauhaus in Desava (to where it was moved fram Weimar in 1925). 1933 When ine Nazis came to power Baunaus was closed down and Mies continued his work with, students in Bettin - Stegiitz (only a few months later is workplace also was closed down by the Nazis). 1934. He took part in an intemational competition for the German Pavilion for the world exhibition nei in Brussels; his design wos not selected. He was gradually deprived of his work architect in Germany, 1937. Emigration to the United States of Americ. Soon after his arrival in the USA he wos appointed Girector of the School of Architecture at the Institute of Technology in Chicago, Ilinois. He held this position Unfilnis retirement in 1958. 1940. He designed for his school an urbanislic, concept of anew university campus, 1944 He obteined American citizenship. 1946-50 Designed and implemented the Fomsworth House in Pian, linois, USA, 1948-51 Designed and implemented Promontory Apartments, Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. 1954-58 Design af a skyscraper for Seagram in New York. Thanks to Mies's care for materials, extraordinary sense of proportion and extreme emphasis on detail ‘the building is an exemplary demonstration of his motto “less is more” 1959-64 Construction of the Chicago Federal Center - this was his first official government order from the American administration, 1965-68 Constiuction of the 20th Century Gallary (part of the New National gallery in Berlin). 1969 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe died in Chicago on 17 August, Construction of his last building - for IBM in Chicago - was completed in 1977. GRETE TUGENDHAT (1903-1970) + sludium nérodni ekonomie ve Vidni + 1922-28 pobyvala w Berling * zprvniho manielsivi s Hansem Weissem deera Hanna Lambekova-Weissove (1924-1991; psycholoika) + 30. 2. 1980 sfiatek s Fritzem Tugendhatem ati Emst (1980, profesor tiozofie) Herbert (1933-1980, iecitel pojsfowaci spoleznosti univerzitn tektor) Ruth Guggenheimovs-Tugendhatous (1942, psychoanaiyticka) Danigla Hammeroud-Tugendhatové (1946, profesorka aéjin uméni) + slugied national economy in Vienna + 1922-28 resided in Berlin + daughter (from her tirst martlage to Hans Weiss) Hanna Lambel-Weiss (1924-1991, Psychologist) + 30071930 maried Fritz Tugendhat cileren: Est (1930, professor of philosophy) Herbert (1933- 1980, director of an insurance company, University lecturer) Ruth Guggenheim-lugendhat (1942. psycho-onalyst) Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat (1946, professor of history of art) FRITZ TUGENDHAT (1895-1958) + spolumaitel vinaiskefch fovaren v Bin + 1938 odefel s rodinou do emigrace. nejorve do Swjoarska av roce 194) do Venezuely + v.50, letech 20, staleti navrat rediny do Svycarska (St. Gallen) ‘+ co-owner of the woollen factories in Brno + 1938 emigrated with his family first to Switzerland ‘ond in 1941 to Venezusla * in the 1950s the family returned to Switzerland (Si, Gallen) LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE GRETE TUGENDHAT FRITZ TUGENDHAT Rodinny dim vilov8ho fypu v Bmé-Cemnch Pelich no Cemnopoini ulici 45, 2ndmy pod nazvem Vila Tugendhat’, vzbucil velky ohlas a z6jem uz v dobé sv8he veniku, Jeli Jedineény modelovy charakter vkontextu doby, materidiové provedent @yvneposlednifadé vyznamnd architektova sounra se stavebnikem z ni utinil dilo celosvtového wenamu, které se stalo jednim 2 meznikt v histori aichiteltury 20. stoleti Dispoziéni fesent vily vychdei ze svaztého terénu @ ze zdlraznéni jihozapadni crientace. Odtud wpelvva_jisté dualita priceli - pfizemniho do ulice, patrového do zahrady - a horizontaita stavby. Tyto kolnostl maly vilv ina jejf vnitfni len€ni a funkéni rozvrzeni jednotiivich East! objektu. V prvnim podtozi (Guterénu) js0u UFttKové pprostory, sioutici (3 vjjimkou fololaboratots) hespoddiskému a technickému provozu domu. Ve cruhém podladi (pfizemi) je situevan hiavni obyiny prostor se zimni zahrado. Diuhau Gast poctoz! tvort kuchyné s piipravnau jidel, Jidelnim vyichem a komorami, s nimiz soused samostatné piistupné misinast s pfislugenstwim pro personal, Tisti podiagi (arvni patra), koncipevané jako vstupni, zahinuje halu, pokoje dati a rodiét, okoj vychovatelky, koupelny a WC. V samostciném Kfidle je stuovdna gard? a byt domovnika. Zakladini mysienka stavoy spotiva v disledném popteni tradiéni koncepce. keré nazitala na obyalli jako soustavu vadjemné oddéienych tunkénich Jedhotek, Nadmémy vznam funkénihe hiediska a jeho negativni pisobeni na ablest prostoroweh 202#0 odstranil Mies 2vracenim dosavadinino vatahu mezi vécnosti funkce a emacionaltiou aichiteldonického prostoru ve prospéch druhého foltoru, Mies pousil prostiedku, kiery byl jecnoduchy, le€ radikéini, prostorovy princip séitani nahracil Biincipem délen, Takto vaniki? prestor ztratil.staticky” choraldet, Jeno hiavni viastnosti byia naopak dynamickd kontinuita, wyplivaliei z jeno neprensovaného .plynuti’, c stupnovand oltivito 1w na vaimatele. Hlawnl obyiny prostor byl jen néznakové élenén — voiné stojici onyxovou sténow i pulkrunovou sténou z makassarského ebenu, zévésy nebo nikym nébytkem — na nékollk funkéns ‘OdIENych .sektord” (misto pro pilimani hosit, hudetoni kout, pracouna s kninovnou, vétsi spolecenské posezeni, jideina). Ji samo toto élenéni hlavniho obyiného prostors ukazalo, jak podstaing vyznam projektant prkiacal pprostorovému programu, Do jaké mity mu slo piedeviim o Feéeni prostorovyeh otazek, dolozil neméné radikdiné pojaty vtah .interiéru” k okoli Zatimeo vstupni pao je smérem k ulicl uzavieno téméF pinou 2d, hlavni obyina prostora byla otewiena do zahrady na dvou stranich souvisiou sklenénou sténou, umoifujici smyslovy kontakt 5 okoInim prostorem. ,Plynuti” prostoru tady nebyla polotena hmetou obalu stavby peynd a keneéné hranice. Toto fefeni podirhovala i moinost ipinéha spusténi dou okennich tabull a decenini baryy interiéru, Kier ponechévaji hlava’ dire na barevnosti okolni piitody. A fomnily house of the villa type in the Brio quarter of Cemé Pole, at Ceinopoini Street No. 45, known as “villa Tugenahat”, even at the time of iis Greation, met with much interest and enthusiasm. tts unique character (being & model of contemporary builcing) combined with the materials usec and - ast but not least - the significant empathy of the architect with the builder, made ft a work of global importance that has become one of the milestones in the history of the 20th century architecture, The villa stands on & south-western slope, which Is the reason for @ certain duality of the front - the ground flor front leading to the street, the tist floor front to the garden - and horizontal appearance of the constuction, These circumstances influenced the inferior division and functional layout of individual parts of the building, There ore service rooms and {G photo laboratory on the fist storey (basement). The residential rooms with c winter garden are situated on the second storey (ground floor), The other part of this floor Contains the kitchen with G meal servery. food lift and larders that are next fo G separately accessible room reserved for staff, The third storey Gist floor), outlined as the entrance, includes the hall fooms of the children and parents, nanny’s room. bathrooms and toilet. The garage and caretakers flat are stiudted ino separate wing. The basic idea of the construction involves @ denial of the traditional concept, which regarded 2 dwelling 95 @ system of functional units separated from one another. Mies eliminated the excessive significance of the functional side, and its negative effect on the realization of space, by turning around, ‘the existing relationship behween the materialism of @ function and emotionaity of the architectonic space in favour of the other factor. Mies made use of @ means that was simple, but radical; he substiuied the space principle of addition with the principle of Givision. Space created this way lost the “static” character. is main quality, on the contrary, was its dynamic continuity arising from the uninterrupted “flow” and mounting effect on the perceiving person. The major residential area was divided by way of hints only - free standing onyx wall or semicircular wall made of the Makassar ebony, curtains or low furniture - into several different “sections” (a place for receiving visitors, music spot. study with library, larger Parlour ond dinette). Such a division of the main residential area alone showed how great importance the designer attached fo the organisation of space, The extent to which he was concerned with the ideals of space is illustrated by an equally radical approach tothe relationship of the “interior with the surroundings. While the entrance floor is closed towards the stieet bby almost a complete wall, he main residential area is open to the garden on both sides with @ continuous glass wall providing a sensory contact with the surrounding area, Due to the building motetials used, the “flow of space was thereby Uninterrupted by any firm or final border. Such @ solution underlined also the possibilty of lowering Neméné kullivované a tvarové dokonalé je i Miesovo nabytkovs wbaveni, kieré se dnes dechovalo jen vtorzu, (Nakteré jeho souddsti - Zidle .Bino", Kfesio sTugendhat, sklenény stil oj, - se stoly zaveznymni Sl Podnécujcimi protetypy ve wivoji modemino, nejen funkcionalistického nabytku) Snovou prastorovou koncepci dace souvisely i nékleré konstrukéni zmény. Vatiina vngjsich, i vnitinich pinych 2di byla nahrazena ocelovimi pil, rozmisténymi no pravauinlém pudorysném rastru, nesoucimi sropnice, pfipadné stfesni desky. Jejich zlvainéni podtthic absoluini prvensivi poston: pile kidoveho profilu byly odhmeinény az na hranici nosnyich mainesti, kdy jejich kfehkost byla umocnéna polazeniin ehromovanym plechem s odhmothulici schopnosti refiexe, K vfimeénosti stavby prispély rovneé nejran sisi technické novinky, Meré oni dnes nejsou v obyingch budovéich zdaleka b&iné, joko napi, elektrické spusténi oken, Klimatizace nebo elektranické zabezpeéeni domu pomoci fotobuiiky. vo windowpanes of glass and sympathetic interior colours to put the main emphasis on the mosaic Of colours in the surrounding nature. No less cultivated ond perfect in shape is Mies's fumfture, of which only fragments have been preserved in gcod condition. (Some of the pleces ~ "ino" chais, “Tugendhat’ armchair, glass table, etc. ~ became the binding or stimulating prototypes in the evelopment of modem, not anly tunctionalistic furniture), The new conception of space was closcly interrelated to a change in the established idea of building methods, revealing itself in the structure. Most of the external and intemal full walls were replaced wih steel pillars, arranged on a rectangular type of layout. bearing the ceiling joists or, possibly, the roofing slabs. Their representation emphasised absolute supremacy of the space: pillars with cress profile were teduced almost to the limit of weight bearing capacity, when their fragilty was amplified bby being covered with chrome coated sheets with the dematerialsing capabilty of refiection. A great contribution to the uniqueness of the construction was due to various technical innovations that, even today, are not at all common in residential homes, such os the electrically powered windows, Gir conditioning or electronic house security system working on the principle of a photoelectric cell KALENDARIUM / CALENDAR OF EVENTS léto 1928 Pruni setkani Ludwiga Miese van der Rohe s Grete a fritzem Tugendhatovyml v Bering, 267i 1928 $etkéni manield Tugendhatowych s Miesem van der Rohe v Bmé - prohlidka pozemku (patticino plivedné k domy ne Sadoveé ul. 22, majitel Alfred Low-Beer) 31, 12, 1928 Mies piedkiada v berinském ateliétu Tugendhatovym zdkladini koncepei domu. 15. 3. 1929 Dorovaci smiouvou od Alfreda Low-Beera (otec Grete Tugenchatové) ziskén pozemek, no némé des vila stoji. 22. 4, 1929 Podiina Zadost o stavebni povoleni, 18, 5. 1929 Stavebni fad proved komisioneln fizen. erven 1929 Zahéjeny stavebni préce, realizaci poviena binénské stavebni fima Artur 0 Mofic Eislerove. 26. 9. 1929 Méstska raga Zemskéno hiavnino mésta 8a udéluje stavebni poveleni srpen 1930 Stavba vily dokonéena, 30. -31. 8. 1930 ‘Vypracovane 2améieni objekiu americkym ‘architektern Philipem Johnsonem. listopad 1930 Dokonéeno vybaveni domu ndbytxem. prosinec 1930 Rodina Tugendhati se stéhuje do vily 1938 ‘Odchod roginy Tugenchatti do emigrace. 4,19, 1939 ‘Objet konfiskovdin némeckou fojnou stan’ polic 12.1. 1942 ‘Vlastnické pravo pievedeno no Velkonémeckou iis duben 1945 Vila devastovdina, rozchvdceni éésti vnitinihe woaveni a mobilire, 12, 7. 1945 ‘Vimdrem ministerstve primysiu zavedena nérecini sprdva. 1.8, 1945 - 30.6 1950 ‘Objeld vyutiven jako skola rytmiky profesorky binénske konzervatore Karly Hladké 30. 10. 1950 Prevedeni objeltu do viasinictvi Krojského nérodniho \wyaru a jeho pfidaleni Statnimu istovu leSebnéno telocvike. 0d 60, let Snohy © nowrdeeni vily de pivedniho stavu @ vu [pro kuturni Geely 2 iniciativy architekia Frantiska: Kalivody. 1962-1969 Rehabilltaéni stiedisko Fokultni détské nemocnice. Summer 1928 Fist meeting of Lucwig Migse van der Rohe with Grete ond Fiz Tugendhat in Berlin. September 1928 Meeting of Grete and Fritz Tugendhat with L. Miese van der Rohe in Bind - visit to the grounds (originally belonging to a house in Sacova Street 22. its owner Alfred Low-Beer) 31 December 1928 Mies submis the basic concept of the house in the Botlin office of the Tugenchats. 15 March 1929 The grounds, where the vila now stands, are acquired through a Deed of Donation from Alfred Low-Bear (father of Grete Tugenchat), 22 April 1929 Application for planning permission submitted 18 May 1929 Planning Department and Building Gontrol Gitice hold commission proceedings. June 1929 Construction work commenced, the execution of winich is entrusted fo the Brno construction company of Arthur ond Maurice Eisler. 26 September 1929 Planning Permission granted by the Municiaal Council of the Provincial Metropolis of Brno. August 1930 Construction of the villa completed, 30-31 August 1930 Survey of the construction carried out by an ‘American architect, Philip Johnson, November 1930 Furmishing of the house completed December 1930 The Tugenghat family moves in. 1938 The Tugendhats emigrate, 4 October 1939 The building is confiscated by the German State Secrete Police. 12 January 1942 Right of ownership is ceded to former Greater Germany, April 1945 The villa is plundered, some of the Interior fitings and furniture are seized. 17 July 1948 By assessment of the Mintry of Industry, State ‘administration is intraduced. 1 August 1945.- 30 June 1950 The building is utilised as a schoo! of rhythm by Karla Hiadk6, protessor of the Bino Academy of Music. 30 October 1950 The Dullding is transferred to the ownership of the Regional National Commitee, who assign ito the State Institute of Remedial Exercises. 6.12, 1963 Dim zapsan do Statnino seanemu kulturnich pamdtek 16, - 18. 1. 1969 Konterence v Brné s mezindrodni east, venované ofdizce restituce vily (mezi hosty byla i Grete Tugendhatovd). 1.1. 1980 Dim pieveden do majetku Néradniho vyboru mésta ema. 1982-1985 Obnova domu pode projekt bménského stainino Usiavu pro rekonstrukas nistorickych mest a objektts (autofi - Kamil Fuchs, Jarmila Kutéjove a Josef Janeéex). 1985-1993 ‘Objekt slouill jcko reprezentatni ubytovaci zafizeni méstské somosprdwy. 1993 \Vyddno usneseni Rady mésia Bme © kultumim vyusit objeltu, 1.7. 1994 Objekt pieveden do sprévy Muzea mésto Bina. a 2pifstupnén veiejnost 16. 8. 1995 Uden statut Narodini kultumt paméitky, prosinec 2001 Vila zapséna do Seznamu svétového kulturnino GBdictvi UNESCO. from the 1960s Efforts are made to return the villa to is original condition and to use It for cultural purposes on the initiative of architect Fromtigek Keliveda, 1962-1969 Rehabilitation Centre for the Children’s Teaching Hospital 6 December 1963 The house Is listed as a cultural monument. 16-18 January 1969 Conference with international pariicipation held in Bmo on the issue of restitution of the vila (Grete Tugenghat was one of the Invited), 1 January 1980 The house Is transferred fo the ownership of the National Gommittee of the City of Bino. 1982 - 1985 Reconstruction of the house under a project by the State Institute for Recanstructions of Historical Towns ‘and Buildings (authors ~ Kamil Fuchs, Jarmila Kutéjovd and Josef Janeéex), 1985 - 1993, The building is utilsed by the Municipal Authorities os prestigious accommodation for visiting dignitaries. 1993 Bmo City Council issues @ resolution on the cultural use of the building 1 July 1994 The building is assigned fo the administration of the Bmno City Museurn and opened to the public. 16 August 1995 Villa fs granted the status of a national cultural monument December 2001 Villa is listed in the UNESCO world cuttural heritage. A est =Enaz0w SERNA Muzeum mésta Bina, Spiltserk 1, GZ - 662 24 Brno emai:

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