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Hunter Ramsey

Jackie Burr

English 2010 S. 6

11 May 2018

Notebook #8

The scholarly article that refutes my educated perspective on internet addiction is Internet

Addiction and Relationships with Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Self-Esteem in

University Students: A Cross Sectional Designed Study. Written by Farah Younes and others for

the Public Library of Science for the benefit of other readers. The article is a cross sectional

study of University Medical students of their internet use and the implications from it. Although

our topics are very similar in finding the implications and effects of internet use and internet

addiction, our results that were found were very different from each other.

They said that Identifying students with internet addiction is more important because of

the psychological effects it has on the individual. I agree to a point when finding individual

people can only do so much when I could be focusing on a whole group. This group does not

have to have all individuals show internet addiction because we would have to individually find

those people. I’d rather focus efforts on a whole group to change the societal norm to be on the

internet for long periods of time. Focusing individually can help that specific person, but when

looking retroactively I ask, could we have helped more people?

They also said in their study that “interventions should include not only IA [internet

addiction] management but also associated psychosocial stressors such as insomnia, anxiety,
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depression, stress, and self-esteem” (Younes, 2). In their study they found an array of mental

illnesses and problems that can grow from internet addiction. However, they suggested that

recovery and management of internet addiction must also be associated with psychosocial

stressors. This again is also true but, most of the focus should be on fixing the internet addiction.

In my source of ​I was a chinese internet addict ​by McKenzie Funk, at the addiction recovery

center she used they focused on the internet addiction itself and the psychosocial stressors

relieved themselves. This example of relief from internet addiction shows that although work is

required to help fix the psychosocial stressors, solving internet addiction first will solve the other

little problems.

Many articles are written to discuss the topic of internet addiction. They focus on

different aspects of how the problem begins, the severity of the problem, the effect on social

interactions internet addiction has, and all topics in between. They find interesting data and

information but the conclusions are nearly the same. Internet addiction is a growing problem

with many personal, societal, and global effects.

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Works Cited

Funk, McKenzie. "A Tale of Modern Medicine." Harper's Magazine, vol. 314, no. 1882, Mar.

2007, pp. 65-72. EBSCOhost,

Younes, Farah, et al. "Internet Addiction and Relationships with Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression,

Stress and Self-Esteem in University Students: A Cross-Sectional Designed Study." Plos

ONE, vol. 11, no. 9, 12 Sept. 2016, pp. 1-13. EBSCOhost,


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