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Muslims in Malaysia celebrate the festival of Aidilfitri popularly known as Hari Raya Puasa,
or simply Hari Raya (Day of Celebration) to mark the culmination of Ramadhan, the holy
month of fasting.It is a joyous occasion for Muslims, as it signifies a personal triumph, a
victory of self-restraint and abstinence, symbolising purification and renewal.
Aidilfitri is celebrated for the whole month of Syawal, but in Malaysia, only the first two
days are observed as public holidays. The joy of Hari Raya Puasa actually begins before the
first day. A week or so before the big day, excitement mounts as the house is readied for the
celebration with new furnishing and decorations.

In conjunction with this festival we my team and I have decided to sell Hari Raya cards as
nowadays people have forgotten the uniqueness of giving or sending these cards.


The main objective or purpose for all of us to sell this Hari Raya cards is to understand the
favourite or what kind of card that the customer looking forward that will attract the customer
to purchase them and how can we directly influence customer satisfaction outcomes whether
the design of the card, the price, the words, or the promotion that we offer at last to finish the
stock. Other objective of us selling this card to the customer is to make them enjoy this
festival spirit by sending Hari Raya cards to their love once. Other than that is to point out
that research on ethnic groups is important not only from a marketer’s viewpoint but also to
gain a greater understanding of international markets and to determine how broadly we can
generalize various consumer behaviour models. Other than that the objective of us to sell the
Hari Raya card is to do a reach and write a report on the customer behaviour and respond
towards the Hari Raya cards for our marketing operation assignment.


The product that we choose to sell is Hari Raya card. We printed 50 copies of Hari Raya card.
We sold two different type of design cards. One is normal cards and the other one is a special
card. Each person in my group is given 12 or 13 cards to sell.


The price of the normal Hari Raya cards cost RM1.50 and the price of the special cards is
RM3.00. We sold 27 normal Hari Raya cards and 15 special cards.


We also had promotion for the last 8 card. We use buy one free one promotion method to
finish the card stock. There are four of us in the group so we divide seven places to sell the
Hari Raya cards.


Christin sold 13 cards at Kuala Selangor( SMK Abdul Aziz) and klang bukit tinggi. Malathi
is given 13 to sell at puchong permai housing area and she also sold few cards to her father
who is a business man and the father sold some of the card to his working friends. Siva is also
given 12 cards to sell at puchong intan apartment areas. Claudle is also been given 12 cards to
sell at puchong intan housing area, SMK Puchong Perdana.


Our strength was mainly my team members who was very active, and delighted in selling this
card. We were new to this but our team work as well as cooperation was there to give us
more confident. Besides that was the support from our families who helped and also
encouraged us, for an example Malathi’s dad one of our team member helped in introducing
some of his business partners to us to convince them and sell the cards. Furthermore the
design of our cards was innovative and creative, and the wordings or wishes inside the card
were more artistic than other normal Raya cards. All four of us searched the wordings from
different sources such as from the net and even previous Hari Raya card then we combine it
and choose for the best one. Moreover we also had this special feature whereby we gave free
stem together with the card and envelope. Additionally we promoted cards with photos ,
chosen by our customers. They can bring their own photo or we even help them to take their
photos on the spot with our hand phones, design the photos, and paste it inside the card. This
technique is the one attracted most of the students to buy our cards.


Where else our weakness was our communication skill, poor communication skill. Since this
was our first time to go and approach people to buy Hari Raya cards we were very shy till we
scared to approach or talk to people. As we know now days it’s very difficult to convince
people to buy something from us. We really went through some hard time convincing and
making them to believe us to purchase the cards from us. Some people even commented that
they can get in nearest supermarkets as some said they can get it for cheap in bulk.


Our opportunity was our strategies. Even though there few groups competiting with us to sell
the Hari Raya cards but none of them sell it in our areas. Besides no other clubs in our
college, Binary University have done like this before , therefore we were new to the market
and as we know people always look for something new and unique. In addition people were
interested as this tradition of giving cards rise up again after so long.

The challenges that we went through is the due to the latest technologies available now which
is more faster and reliable such as SMS,MMS, emails, online greetings, and many other
more. These barriers made us difficult to convince the customers to buy our cards.

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