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David Huo


The youth movement in 1960s

The youth movement, due to a large number of young people spontaneously expressing

opinions, was rarely seen in the United States until the 1960s. In fact, the youth movement has

been happening in the 20th century, but it has been overshadowed by many backgrounds.

From the 1910s to the 1930s, college students from young women’s Christian organizations

had established links with working-class women in an attempt to improve their working

conditions. The student movement of the 1930s was overshadowed by the Second World War.

A strong anti-communist national atmosphere strangled the student movement in the late


Until 1960s, Civil Right Movement break this long period of calm. On February 1, 1960, four

students from the Black University of North Carolina Agricultural University of Technology,

Izzel A. Blair, David Richmond, Joseph McNeill, and Franklin McCain sat the lunch counter

protests Woolworth’s refusal to serve African-Americans. Then lot of black college student sit

down at a white-only lunch counter and request the right to equal service, leader by the they

think all people show be equality and request for abolition of the hierarchy, after that more and

more youth movement coming out. Youth people, especially youth people who were in the

college, they were concerned about the injustices and lots of social system problems.

Against the background of the U.S. anti-Vietnam War, The University of California, Berkeley

conducted a free speech campaign in the fall of 1964, leader by the Jack Weinberg, Michael

Rothman, George Patton, reaching tens of thousands of students. At the beginning of it, the
students spontaneous propaganda and fundraising to oppose the Vietnam War. Later, the

school announced that it was forbidden to carry out non-school political activities on the

campus and cause student dissatisfaction, which led to the beginning of the movement.

Students insist that the university administration has lifted the ban on political activities within

the school and admitted that students have the right to freedom of expression and academic

freedom. The new leftists affected by the freedom of speech movement. The final school

allowed students to carry out freedom of political speech in the school as a result, ending the

unprecedented youth student movement. It was the first anti-imperialist student struggle for

civil rights in the 1960s. It has had a profound influence on American society and later

generations. It has changed the political and moral views of several generations. The

University of California, Berkeley, has also become the most liberal in the United States, one

of the most inclusive and active universities.

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