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It is a beautiful country because of its people, culture, diversity in flora and fauna,
variety of foods and places to visit.

Typical dishes include tamales, chontaduro, coffee, ajiaco, paisa tray, manjar
blanco, corn arepas, pandebono, salpicon, among others. Also, almost all
Colombians like to party and dance, cumbia is very famous in most family parties,
any reason is important to meet with family and friends, drink some
“aguardienticos” and dance until dawn.

Few couples have only one child, many of the families in the country are big.

Music occupies an important place in all Colombian families, the most outstanding
rhythms are salsa, vallenato, popular, hip today and electronica.

The sports that are most practiced are cycling, skating, bicricross, boxing, soccer
and swimming.

In Colombia, most families believe in God, they are Catholic, therefore, the
country is characterized by having beautiful churches and cathedrals.

The festivities most celebrated by Colombians are the Manizales Fair, the Carnival
of Blancos and Negros, the Feria de las Flores, the Barranquilla Carnival, the Cali
Fair, the Corralejas Festival and the Independence Day and the Independence
Day. Boyaca's battle.

For example, at the end of the year some families make dolls with powder and
sawdust, a traditional ritual on December 31 to dismiss the old year and receive
the one that arrives.

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