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Practice plan 8

3:30-3:45- (15 minutes) stretch and throw as a team but make sure pitchers do bands

3:45-4:15- (30 minutes)- outfielders work on fly ball reads by tossing the ball to each other, also
work on coming in on the ball and throwing towards a base. Infielders work on back hands and
diving for the ball getting up and making a good throw to the base in which your throwing too

4:15-4:45 (30 minutes)- all fielders will take fungo from a coach and work on getting around the
ball and working towards a specific base. We will have fake runners on so it will simulate
runners on and different situations.

4:45-5:30 (45 minutes)- during this time we will have a base running practice and working on
getting a lead off the base, getting a jump off of a pitcher and working on stealing a base. Also
we will work on sliding into a base and proper and non-proper ways to do this

5:30-6:15 (45 minutes) we will have conditioning 6 poles but we will also have triangles(2) and
we will do ab workouts as a team

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